Recent content by clicknologicley

  1. C

    Nikon D60 charger

    Hello I've got a Nikon D60 and the battery charger is a 240v wall charger, if I wanted to use this charger on a 12v car battery via a 12 - 240v inverter what wattage inverter would I need to run this charger? Thanks
  2. C

    Silbury Hill

    . . That's got to be very near to the top of the list of the dumbest comments I've ever seen. Oh, would you care to enlighten me as to why, it was just a comment as to the time difference it would take to build similar structures then and now.
  3. C

    Silbury Hill

    It took more than a hundred years to build at that time yet today it could probably be built in a month with today's machinery.
  4. C

    Calm Canal

    A walk along the canal towpath today
  5. C

    An autumn selection. (pic heavy)

    The first is superb, could almost be a watercolor painting
  6. C

    motorbikes old/ thread??

    A bit of a beast on Weston super mare seafront
  7. C

    Tips & trick for photographing riots, demonstrations and Civil disobedience?

    and wear decent footwear, footwear you can run in, and run faaaaast;)
  8. C

    Eventide in West Wales

    Very nice photo. I would crop a small amount of the bottom to remove the small tip of the rock on the very bottom
  9. C

    Tatton Park Stars & Stripes

    That's the one,(y)
  10. C

    Tatton Park Stars & Stripes

    Is that not a famous American actor driving the red car, if only I could think of his name:thinking:
  11. C

    Beginner Saltburn and South Gare

    The horizons are not level, only slightly out but enough to make them stand out
  12. C

    Flight of Fancy

    Would the last to leave please switch the lights off ;)
  13. C

    Bosham harbour

    This is the "photos from film" board, if your going to use digital enhancing techniques then why bother with useing film in the first place. Just my opinion
  14. C

    Tarddebigge canal

    Thanks, Does it work now?
  15. C

    Tarddebigge canal

    A couple of pics to test my new lens, a Nikon 35mm f1.8 DSC_0020 by clicknologicley posted May 1, 2017 at 3:53 PM DSC_0016 by clicknologicley posted May 1, 2017 at 3:53 PM