Recent content by Ghostface

  1. G

    The Amazing Sony A1/A7/A9/APS-C & Anything else welcome Mega Thread!

    And just like that I get a text to say that FedEx have my item out for delivery today. *sigh*
  2. G

    The Amazing Sony A1/A7/A9/APS-C & Anything else welcome Mega Thread!

    I’m having the same issue. Been flagged as a Thursday delivery for my A7CR all week. So I changed the delivery of my 24-50 to coincide wit it, in addition to changing my working pattern so I’d be available at home for delivery, and just now it’s been switched to Friday delivery
  3. G

    The Fabulous Fuji X owners thread

    i am also looking for a bag for the X-T2. That Thinktank Reto 7 is ~£140.. for a bag? Manufacturers must take toggers for mugs...
  4. G

    The Fabulous Fuji X owners thread

    Mine was sealed
  5. G

    The Fabulous Fuji X owners thread

    The AngryPhotographer has a swathe of videos out on YT, that's if you can stand him.
  6. G

    Canon 5D MKIII battery grip

    Sorry to hijack the thread a little, but do third party grips fare well against the official Canon ones? Im looking to buy one for my 5d3
  7. G

    What’s in a name? That which we call a rose..

    Awesome shots. Inspired by a certain Mr Jocke? :-). Good to see another TZ'er here
  8. G

    where to buy canon 5d mark 3

    Haha I know exactly how you feel, it is a bit of a squeaky bum moment. But sometimes you gotta go with your gut feeling, and like you say, so many people had positive feedback for them, I just said to hell with it. But now I know where I'll be getting my gear from in future!
  9. G

    where to buy canon 5d mark 3

  10. G

    where to buy canon 5d mark 3

    Same here, status was out if stock, quick email and they advised they did have stock
  11. G

    where to buy canon 5d mark 3

    I've had mine well over a week now, was delivered 2 days after with the lens. No extra charges. Well happy!!
  12. G


    £1995 via BT
  13. G


    I didn't have to pay anything. There was no paper work regarding value of the item. Invoice was emailed earlier. At guess it's a bit sneaky
  14. G


    I ordered my 5d3 and 85 1.8 from them on Tuesday, paid via BT. Got everything this afternoon. I'll be honest it was a bit nerve racking, but everything worked out well that I'm planing what to buy next from them.
  15. G

    Canon 5D MKIII official owners/users thread, anything related to the 5D MKIII

    Mine was just delivered :-) coming from a d3000 it locks focus insanely quick with the 85 1.8 I bought with it. Really well pleased!!!