Recent content by keety

  1. keety

    Massive aurora alert for tonight!

    I ended up having to do it in photoshop manually, I just chucked all the images in as layers and expanded the canvas so it was big enough, lined them up manually and blended them in one by one using a layer mask. Photoshop, Lightroom and even PTGui all refused to automate it.
  2. keety

    Massive aurora alert for tonight!

    Well watching it at Stonehenge was a hell of a lot more fun than trying to stitch a panorama of it together, which I'd say is somewhat akin to repeatedly smashing your head against a brick wall! Lightroom, Photoshop and PTgui all point blank refused to output anything resembling a complete...
  3. keety

    When are people going to realise

    Low shelves!
  4. keety

    When are people going to realise

    What a complete and utter load of tripe. Buying a grey import does not in any shape or form equate to any kind of breaking of any laws. Import tax still applies. Propping up a failing business is none of my concern. My only concern is getting the best price for a bit of equipment that I can...
  5. keety

    I'm excited - Photography Online is back!

    Always enjoyed their vid's.
  6. keety

    Camera clubs and competitions

    Birds on a stick, Dragonfly's, street portraits Old Indian Gentlemen looking sad... that sort of thing yeah?
  7. keety

    Camera clubs and competitions

    It varies from club to club. Some are ultra competitive, others much less so. It depends what you want to get out of camera club competitions really. Personally I use them for constructive critique on my images. I've found that since getting an impartial view on my work that they've picked up...
  8. keety

    Hw do I find the Milky Way?

    Look up. It's always there. Give your eyes 30 mins to get accustomed to the dark. It looks like a thin cloud. Failing that, just take a high iso 20 second long exposure and you'll see it.
  9. keety

    Aurora alerts

    Oh and "Hello Aurora" coupled with Aurora Watch UK is pretty good. If you also monitor some of the space weather twitter accounts you can get a bit of advance notice as it typically takes 2-3 days for it to hit the Earth after Solar Activity (If it's in our direction, this current storm was...
  10. keety

    Aurora alerts

    The thing to remember with Aurora Watch UK is that the reading is an hourly Cumulative reading. That means its the amount of activity added up over the hour period, Not what it is at any specific time.
  11. keety

    Posterbe - Ripoff American poster seller using OUR photographs!

    This is the answer unfortunately. At the end of the day, if you don't want you work stolen (or rather Copyright infringed) then the only way to stop that is to not post your images on the Internet in the first place. I've been using the Internet since the very beginning, and prior to that I...
  12. keety

    Posterbe - Ripoff American poster seller using OUR photographs!

    cheeky sods! Although after searching my name I saw some images on there that I thought looked pretty good but didn't think they were mine, turns out they were!
  13. keety


    I know this seems fairly obvious, but don't shoot into the sun, turn 90deg and get some amazing sidelight.
  14. keety

    Indoor Sports Shots

    Remember, a grainy noisy sharp shot is (generally) much much better than a blurry shot (unless you're going for that)
  15. keety

    Landscape Photographer of the Year 2023

    I wasn't initially going to enter, but ended up changing my mind, I only entered 2 images, 1 got in. The awards evening was pleasant enough (cracking views from the terrace), but for the love of god, when someone is stood up and talking please have the common decency to shut the f*** up and...