Recent content by lexidium

  1. lexidium

    Ich Dien

    Well thought out. :D
  2. lexidium

    The room at the top of the stairs.

    Nice. Reminds me of Ansel.
  3. lexidium

    Shingle Street

    Really nice. Chiaroscuro is just right
  4. lexidium

    Semi Finalist

    Lowry is alive and well . . . . .
  5. lexidium


  6. lexidium


    Not skin colour. Just one or two blemishes and marks
  7. lexidium

    Em & Tulips

    The perpendicular position of the camera (in portraits) should depend on whether it's a head shot, a head and shoulders or a full length shot and - to a degree - how far away your are from the subject. Each one requires a different height and not what's convenient for the photographer: i.e...
  8. lexidium

    Em & Tulips

    Nice portrait but it seems as if the camera wasn't perpendicular when you took the shot. It looks as though she's looking up at you which makes it look slightly odd. A nice overall idea though.
  9. lexidium


    Good picture of a lovely girl. I would have done some very light work on the skin though.
  10. lexidium

    PC water cooling

    You don't really need an i7 processor for photoshop but you do need plenty of ram and a decent graphics card. Forget stuff used for gaming! You only need two fans in a case: one to blow the air in at the front and one to take it out at the back. Having umpteen fans is a waste of time.
  11. lexidium

    Unknown lady

    In the UK
  12. lexidium

    Unknown lady

    I haven't a clue who she was. She was standing there as if waiting for somebody. I was a distance away and I looked at her and she looked at me. I raised my camera and nodded my head as if to say can I take your photo. She sat and posed; I took a quick pic; we smiled at each other and I got into...
  13. lexidium

    B&W Head'n'Shoulders

    The hi-lighting is very good. You've kept it just on the borders. I think I would have bracketed the shot to make sure that the jacket was sharp as well ( in post) I believe in the old way that when taking a head and shoulders portrait, the camera should be perpendicular to the philtrum and not...
  14. lexidium

    Unknown lady
