Recent content by ohara

  1. O

    Canon LPE6 battery question?

    Can the Neewer batteries be charged inside the camera like the LP-E6NH ?
  2. O

    What are your thoughts on the new Canon EOS R8?

    Can the full frame RF bodies take RF-S lenses? If so then maybe a good choice for those looking for FF on a budget.
  3. O

    Weddings what kit

    In my opinion, the 5D3 has incredible noise handling capability, I'd happily shoot at ISO 6400 or even 12800 all day long. I've shot handheld stuff in nightclubs in low light with 70-200mm before which I wouldn't dream of doing without flash on most other cameras. The 7D on the other hand rarely...
  4. O

    Powering studio heads on location

    If you leave the engine running, yes. Personally I'm not a fan of batteries, and if I ever shoot away from the studio with lamps and there's no power available, I use a suitcase generator with pure sine wave inverter.
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    Canon 7D inaccurate focusing

    1, 2 and 4 are out. The rest are ones that are in what I consider sharp focus, just to prove the camera is capable of doing a good job. 4 happens to be the worst.
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    Weddings what kit

    I haven't shot many weddings but if you're being relied on as the main photographer then you certainly need to broaden your kit. By "standard wide angle lens" I assume you mean the Canon 18-55mm kit lens. That's a horrible cheap lens, and doesn't give much at the tele end. The Sigma 10-20mm is a...
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    Canon 7D inaccurate focusing

    Tried to attach some images to the post but the forum compresses them so I've uploaded to my FTP server. These are full resolution from the camera RAW, unedited aside from cropping. The exif data is present so you can see my settings. As you can see, some are extremely...
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    Canon 7D inaccurate focusing

    I don't think it's a depth of field thing. I've shot at much faster than f/2.8 on the 5D and whatever I focus on comes out incredibly sharp. I know that at large apertures anything which is slightly out of the focus plane won't be perfectly sharp but I KNOW exactly where I put the focus and I...
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    Canon 7D inaccurate focusing

    I'm having some problems with the focusing on my 7D. I noticed this while shooting for a business yesterday, the images looked fine on the LCD but when I check at 100% on computer afterwards it's obvious the focus is slightly off, maybe by a couple of inches. Thankfully I could just about...
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    Annoying noob questions

    24fps is the standard for theatrical films and some TV programs (normally high budget dramas). 25fps is the standard framerate for TV in the UK, 30fps is the standard for TV in the US. If you're in the UK then you should be shooting either 24 or 25 (or a multiple thereof if you want slow-mo)...
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    T3i | Grainy footage when recording

    You should also note that when shooting in warm conditions, if the camera starts to overheat it will cause noise in the video.
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    lack of defintition in wide angle with dslr?

    I think the effective video resolution of Canon DSLR's is a little less than 720p actually. That's what happens when you try to record 1920x1080 (which quite rightly has been pointed out as being around 2 megapixels) from an 18 megapixel sensor. In comparison, the Red Epic shoots 5K video with...
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    600d versus 7d

    For wildlife photography, only a fool would choose a 600D over a 7D. The 7D has a far better AF system than the 600D and in continuous shooting it can achieve 8fps compared to the 600D's 3.7fps.
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    Canon 70-200 USM vs USM II

    The "II" bit just means it is the second generation of that lens. Newer normally means better. I actually did a comparison between the Canon 70-200mm f/2.8 IS USM and the mark II, and the mark II shows significantly better image quality, especially when used with the 2x extender III.
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    Understanding back button focus

    You can also use the back button as AF-stop, very useful if you're in servo AF with the shutter button and you want the focus to stop tracking momentarily.