Recent content by Paul Bennett

  1. P

    Does anyone still use the Colormunki photo for Pinter profiling using the Calibrate software

    I updated my CM today, just download driver from calibrite install cc studio, when you connect CM it tells you to upgrade for a one off fee
  2. P

    Needle & Cotton (1)

    Great capture
  3. P

    Critique The beach tree

    Really like nr 2, but agree with NB just a smidgen of space at the top would improve it
  4. P

    Non UK Malcesine, Lake Garda

    Drive to the other side of the lake and follow the SP 669 to Campolara for some spectacular scenery. Cable car trip is also worthwhile. Also pop down to Belle Vue San Lorenzo one evening for the best view of the fireworks and the best meal you will find in the area. Enjoy
  5. P

    What have you done with your camera today

    Bugger all lacking motivation at the moment
  6. P

    Dessert fun at work

    Incredible food artistry
  7. P

    Upgraded Mac

    Removing the optical drive and replacing with another SSD will be next when funds allow Saglik
  8. P

    Upgraded Mac

    It certainly does Mark
  9. P

    Upgraded Mac

    It cost a total of £307.00 Kevin and the increase in performance is very noticeable. I am so glad I did it.
  10. P

    Castle Combe

    Well thought out shot I like that a lot
  11. P

    Iceland Equipment List

    2x converter and a 70 - 200 I only had my 70 - 200 with me on my Alaska trip and was very disappointed with the Whale and Bear shots I was able to capture. I will be hiring a 400 next time
  12. P

    Aeshna cyanea

    Excellent captures, wish I had the patience for it
  13. P

    Critique Crosby Beach, Merseyside

    I like #2 but the silhouette doesn't work for me. I think it might be a bald man but could be a woman or a sculpture?
  14. P

    WAMT....what annoyed me today!

    Lorry drivers in the outside lane of the A1 taking a bloody age to pass another lorry doing only 1mph less than they are
  15. P

    What you listening to RIGHT now?

    Rod Stewart, " i don't want to talk about it"