sk66's latest activity

  • sk66
    sk66 replied to the thread Z8 or R5.
    The Z8 certainly fixes the issues you had with the Z7...
  • sk66
    sk66 posted the thread Green Heron in Photos : Nature - Birds.
    A bit torn on this one... wish it had a better setting and/or some action. Exif included
    • _SGK6976-Enhanced-NR.jpg
  • sk66
    sk66 reacted to Box Brownie's post in the thread Juvenile Kingfishers with Like Like.
    Yes, I too can now see them 'here' it looks like l @mav edited the post to make them visible:)
  • sk66
    sk66 replied to the thread Juvenile Kingfishers.
    I can see them... Pretty nice dive shot, that's not easy to get.
  • sk66
    A very cooperative Black-crowned Night Heron in my yard... I say that because this pond is no more than 150ft from my back door, but it...
    • _SGK7503.jpg
  • sk66
    sk66 replied to the thread Bird on a stick.
    Yes, I purposely over-sharpen photos somewhat for embedding in these forums, because they usually lose some IQ/sharpness. It's a...
  • sk66
    sk66 replied to the thread RED KITE.
    Definitely oversharpened... whether it was due to default raw import settings or in camera jpeg settings IDK. In this case it is most...
  • sk66
    sk66 reacted to admirable's post in the thread RED KITE with Like Like.
    A good capture but far too much sharpening!
  • sk66
    Crop factor is simply one of many forms of magnification... it is the fact that a smaller sensor area has to be enlarged (magnified)...
  • sk66
    sk66 reacted to Gav.'s post in the thread help me understand lens multiplication please with Like Like.
    This may help explain :)...
  • sk66
    One finally decided to cooperate for a few seconds. Z9, 180-600, handheld w/ SharpShooter Mount, exif included.
    • _SGK6914-Enhanced-NR.jpg
  • sk66
    sk66 reacted to LongLensPhotography's post in the thread Exposure Comparison with Haha Haha.
    Difference is crystal clear unless you are putting wrong diffusion and in the wrong place There is always spec savers
  • sk66
    sk66 replied to the thread Exposure Comparison.
    I have; that and so much more... If all you are doing is adding a second layer of diffusion, then I wonder why too... what exactly do...
  • sk66
    sk66 reacted to gramps's post in the thread Crop factor lens hood equivalence with Haha Haha.
    Wow, a thread post from 2017 ... you keep quite a grudge!
  • sk66
    sk66 replied to the thread Exposure Comparison.
    Then you need to compare with vs without at the same exposures and distances... The way I like to explain it is that diffusion doesn't...