Recent content by taxboy

  1. T

    Rattray Head sunset

    Really well captured - I'm a fan of tranquil colours, which evoke a sense of tranquility rather than the nuclear sunsets
  2. T

    Can I wash a camera bag? :D

    Personally if you are still spending £100 or so on a bag - I think I'd follow the manufacturers guidance and give it a wipe down to tidy up the exterior then a thorough vacuum with the inserts removed for the interior. The potential risk is the fabric may react badly and go blotchy etc then...
  3. T

    Can I wash a camera bag? :D

    Slightly OT but if you need to get the absorbancy back wash them again with white vinegar in the conditioner compartment
  4. T

    Canon EF 100-400 ii replacement lens foot

    I've got one of these arriving soon and started to look at getting an Arca compatible foot. Does anyone have any recommendations please - I've come across the Haoge and iShoot brands (neither of which I'm familiar with) or the Kirk, RRS which seems a bit on the pricey side
  5. T

    Can I wash a camera bag? :D

    If you are going to wash it I'd suggest using a pure liquid soap rather than detergent - these are no so harsh on any coatings. The same principle as with waterproof coats
  6. T

    Milky Way visibility

    Hopefully I've picked the correct forum. I'm looking to have another go at taking some milky way images with part of the landscape included. According to PhotoPills for the Suffolk coast the core will not be visible until late July. My experience last year showed issues with light pollution as...
  7. T

    MPB - how accurate are their "instant valuations"

    It's probably a default in their accounting software that requires a notional VAT amount. With the margin scheme you shouldn't receive a VAT invoice and in fact the seller wouldn't want to issue one as you could work out their profit on that item
  8. T

    Worm Eating Warbler- environmental

    I prefer the first crop - to me it illustrates the bird's environment but the negative space doesn't distract
  9. T

    Worm Eating Warbler- environmental

    I do like environmental portraits, for my taste I think there's a little too much surrounding space and the bird is a touch central. I think if you cropped slightly there's a good image there
  10. T

    MPB - how accurate are their "instant valuations"

    My guess is they will be using the VAT second hand margin scheme but as you point out VAT has to be considered in their pricing I've used them to sell to before and if you are reasonable in your own assessment of condition I've not found them to reject my...
  11. T

    Beginner Magazines

    I recommend you see what your local library has available on their magazine app - free to view and you can see if there are any you find appealing to you
  12. T

    Balcony Film Lab - missing scans - advice needed!

    Send them a letter before action - this might provoke a response if they think you are going to seek a CCJ. Don't forget to get a certificate of posting making-a-small-claim
  13. T

    MPB - how accurate are their "instant valuations"

    I recently had a quote from WEX but payment offer was credit from them and not cash. Presumably they do this for less in demand items ?
  14. T

    Canon EOS R Series Cameras

    Canon have finally allowed Sigma to produce APS-C lenses in the RF mount. I interpret this to mean Canon will not invest too much R&D into future crop sensor lenses but potentially good news for R7 users - price, quality etc...
  15. T

    Lets see your panoramas

    Bluebell woods at Reydon my first attempt this year