Recent content by Typhoon7

  1. Typhoon7

    Digital Medium Format Thread

  2. Typhoon7

    It’s been a while…

    My other half has a ZFc and a few times we have been out and about and I've left my kit at home so I've used her ZFc. It's brilliant. Dead easy to use, small and light and the results in Lightroom show it's got some real game under the hood, although I think it's a little hampered by the kit...
  3. Typhoon7

    Digital Medium Format Thread

    I have the 100S with 20-35 f4, 45-100 f4 and a Nikon Z8 with a couple of their S lenses. I agree going across two platforms is expensive and not ideal but I have to say it's working for me and I'm happy with both. I just don't always take them both on the same trip.
  4. Typhoon7

    Digital Medium Format Thread

    Ouch. It's not far from home for me. I visit it every now and then for a walk but when there's a weather event, I like to take it in all it's different moods. For example, the images below were both taken from the exact same point in Ossian's hall looking down at Black Linn.... First on a warm...
  5. Typhoon7

    Concepts Auto ISO or not AUTO ISO? That is the question for wildlife.

    The reductio ad absurdum rides again! My camera doesn't need me to wind the film on with a lever manually either if we play that game. No I don't ignore the tech at all and never stated that I did. I choose to use the tech available to me in the way I prefer. I prefer shooting with manually...
  6. Typhoon7

    Concepts Auto ISO or not AUTO ISO? That is the question for wildlife.

    This is funny... No I don't have any of those things. I drive an old Toyota Hilux with no lane change, no automatic wipers, no parking sensors, no android auto or whatever.... It has a live axle and leaf springs for crying out loud. To shift it into low-range I don't press a button like modern...
  7. Typhoon7

    Concepts Auto ISO or not AUTO ISO? That is the question for wildlife.

    Aye I do know what you're saying don't worry. I just don't like getting there the same way you do. Like I said I have a setting bank on the Nikon that is Auto ISO (for the occasional bird/deer shot I go for whilst out in the wild) and it works fine for that. It's just not my go to for landscapes...
  8. Typhoon7

    Concepts Auto ISO or not AUTO ISO? That is the question for wildlife.

    So in summary there's nothing wrong with using auto ISO, manual, or a priority mode with fixed ISO as long as it gets you to the exposure you want in the way you prefer. I think we can all agree on that. It's like manual vs auto transmissions. Neither is right or wrong and I think much of this...
  9. Typhoon7

    Let's see your trains: inside and out, an open thread

    Dug this one out from many year ago.
  10. Typhoon7

    Concepts Auto ISO or not AUTO ISO? That is the question for wildlife.

    I'm well aware of the exposure triangle... Different work flows and preference in handling the camera comes into effect too but in the interests of explaining I'm not "bonkers" I'll expand: In all those scenarios you've described I think you're going by the metered exposure which is an...
  11. Typhoon7

    Concepts Auto ISO or not AUTO ISO? That is the question for wildlife.

    I'm on the fence with auto ISO. I have tried it and get why those who swear by it do but... I just never feel at ease. I end up going either side of it to either full manual or fixed ISO and Aperture/Shutter priority. And I'm not convinced my photos are worse for sticking with what I find most...
  12. Typhoon7

    White Tailed Eagle

    There are a couple of these I've seen around here (Highland Perthshire). Never the right time/place/light for a photo but I did get video on my phone once. Magnificent creatures. There's a loch near Glen Quaich which seems to be a home for them.