Cosmeston Lake - ICM & Textures

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Cosmeston Lake.

Taken today on a very wet and windy day. The boardwalk had partially been submerged by the amount of water as the 'lake' was bursting at the seams. This is a long exposure ICM followed up by several layers of textures I have added then. I made a mistake as I saved the PSD file to preserve the layers and then saved it as a JPEG. As I was exiting PS it asked me if I wanted to save the file first so stupidly I said yes and this saved the flattened JPEG as the PSD file so when I open the PSD I now have no layers, gutted as now if I want to tweak it, I have to try and recreate it all over again. Tried right clicking on the PSD file to search for a previous version but alas, there isn't one.

Pentax K1 & D FA 24-70mm

Cosmeston Lakes by Gareth Williams, on Flickr
Very nice, painterly indeed.
Did PS not retain the history of the edits though? I'm not well up on it so only comparing to LR.
Err Hum OK , I must be a stick in the mud as these images do nothing for me , Sorry
I see that other do like them so well done you.
Thanks all, appreciate all the comments.

PS did retain the edits but once it had resaved the file and overwrite the file before then closing the window down, it was all gone. If it hadn't saved and closed and just saved, I could have gone into the edit history in PS, gone one step up on the history to bring the layers back to life and then resaved but when that window in PS closed, they were gone.

Nice image, but I cant help but see a close up of someones eyebows and nose lol. No offence intended.

You're not the first to say that!

Lovely image - rather Turneresque I feel.

Seems that even though I know of Turner, I don't know much of his work and I'm somehow subconsciously recreating work in his style. TBH I don't want to research his work as I don't want that to possibly influence future images I make.

Err Hum OK , I must be a stick in the mud as these images do nothing for me , Sorry
I see that other do like them so well done you.

No need to apologise, photography is subjective and we all can't like or dislike the same style of photography so it's all good.
Very nice image and dramatic. Looking at the bottom half of the shot it reminds me of old hand made paper having that creased look but overall a very nice look.