weekly Cowboys 52 in 2013 Done and dusted

Hi Mark, as Alan said, a good clean shot, but it really is just a tin of soup on a white background so it's very hard to find anything more to say about it really.

Your more creative one is much more interesting, a very different image altogether, I am very impressed by it. if I may make a negative comment, there's a white line were you have missed an alignment on the second image up from the bottom on the right hand side. With that said this effect really has a wow factor, love it!
Hi Mark, as Alan said, a good clean shot, but it really is just a tin of soup on a white background so it's very hard to find anything more to say about it really.

Your more creative one is much more interesting, a very different image altogether, I am very impressed by it. if I may make a negative comment, there's a white line were you have missed an alignment on the second image up from the bottom on the right hand side. With that said this effect really has a wow factor, love it!

Cheers :)

Not any more ;) :D
Art, on theme, good work. I like the warm colours in the scene and the composition.
I just feel its a little too closely cropped though, maybe give the area around the hands a little more room?
Art, on theme, good work. I like the warm colours in the scene and the composition.
I just feel its a little too closely cropped though, maybe give the area around the hands a little more room?


I agree about the crop, the problem was he is in a gazebo type thing with the pole just out of shot to his left cutting the arm of the guitar. I felt that by cropping so tight I was maintaining a balance, had it been at the other side of him I would have had no problem leaving more room to his left as he is facing that way slightly. :)
I like the colours and how clear and nicely focussed this is but I would have liked him to have his mouth open so he looked like he's singing.

I think that you should consider cropping the top half way up his hat. 2 reasons:

1) it would be in keeping with the close crop on the other three sides and -
2) it would lose that bloke in the background who is wandering off in boredom... and all that s h i t e hanging over his head... and the blue signs on the yellow wall.

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Hi Mark

you commented in the picture thread that you're having difficulty get the Link to read Link ( if that makes sense ? )....dunno if this helps....... copy the page link from the top of the page where you have posted the shot in your thread (think it's called a URL), zip over to the pic only thread , type the word's you want to turn in to the link , "clickylinky " for instance , then highlight them , then click on the box in the bar that says Link , paste in your copied URL & press insert....that should work (y) However....I have been known to be useless with anything puter related :LOL:

I'm liking the Food shot with the overlays in different color styles....a bit different but eye catching (y) The original single can shot would have worked a little better for me with the can more offset to one side & a few vegetables placed around it ? That said it's well lit & sharp

Left...makes me so angry , why do people do this to our wonderful countryside :bang: What is it by the way ? Mono add's grittiness, bit more contrast as others have said
Hi, Reflection is a cracker. Great colours and an unusual placement.

Melt, on theme but doesn't grab me.

Abandoned, I really like these happenstance finds. The brambles do add to the theme.

Art, have to agree with Brian about the cropping a tighter crop would work much better
Hi Mark :)

Reflection - Love the colours in the shot, I think the grass?? surrounding the door mirror could do with darkening or cloning out for me, but the idea of taking it in the dark is a nice touch and the reflections on the car too doubling the reflections :)

Melt - I like the colour and positioning of the candle and the overall glow of the shot, nice focus on the wick also (y)

Left - Looks a bit lost for me... I feel it needs a little something to help it stand out a tiny bit more :)

Food - A good product shot, well lit but again feel it needs something to help it <EDIT> seen your edit... Damn that is a bit extra... I prefer the original mate :)

Art - Agree with Iain on the crop, would prefer to see more guitar and less cables at the top :)

All in all a great catch up... keep going Mark not far now :clap:
Thanks everyone, points taken :)

Thanks Lynne for the link help, it's the remains of a tv.
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Art's fine for me, it's a good capture of a young artist, doing his thing in humble surroundings.. I think any crop would take away from that sense. Nice and sharp on the chap, and good use of DOF to isolate him from the BG.

Friendship, is on theme... the focus and DOF are fine, but for me there's a bit of a discrepancy between the BG, which I see as an office chair and desks, and the dressing gown on the left hand. Was thinking a shirt and cufflinks but that might suggest business rather than friendship. Maybe loose the dressing gown sleeve?
Friendship, hmm, on theme but isn't grabbing me. The BG is a tad busy and what appears to be a nightgown got it a 'grab shot' feel.

Good focus and detail, though.

I most admit to it being a grab shot, in my defence I am full of cold (again) and don't want to fall any further behind.
Hi Mark...hope the sniffles have left you & you're all better now :hug:

Friendship ...yup on theme & as a grab shot it works. The bg doesn't bother me as the DOf hides most of it , little more light under the hands maybe ? I do like how you got both arms coming in from both top corners (y)
Hi Mark, nothing to add to what's already been said... other than that hope you're feeling better. 5 to go!

I've got the worst cold/flu I can remember having, I just cannot shift it, anyway enough excuses I've got photos to take :)

I've got the worst cold/flu I can remember having, I just cannot shift it,

Me too! - I have bronchitis. Doctor gave me antibiotics. There's a lot of it about apparently...

Fantasy eh? I could get banned from here if I'm not careful! :LOL:
That certainly is sleek Mark.
My only concern would be the reddish tinge to one half of the background :thinking:

It may be my monitor?? If i sit underneath the screen it disappears to black. I would be interested to see if anyone else can see the different colours to the background.
I'm cracking up i think.
Hi Mark
Not sure the lighting is doing this any favours perhaps a little more to emphasise the shape,
the placement in the frame, to me is not quite right.

The reddish tinge although i can't see it myself might be noise
That certainly is sleek Mark.
My only concern would be the reddish tinge to one half of the background :thinking:

It may be my monitor?? If i sit underneath the screen it disappears to black. I would be interested to see if anyone else can see the different colours to the background.
I'm cracking up i think.

I can't see any reddish tinge, one half of the background (left) was very light, the other was black.
Hi Mark
Not sure the lighting is doing this any favours perhaps a little more to emphasise the shape,
the placement in the frame, to me is not quite right.

The reddish tinge although i can't see it myself might be noise

I've uploaded another, is that any better?
It was a choice between the two.
I prefer the first - although it is a little dark - I think it would look better with a bit of light bounced back in from the right perhaps? I don't see the colours in the BG at all!
Hi Mark
bit of a cliche maybe but well delivered,
bit closer to the ends of the pencils would work better maybe, tighter crop oh and the green is a bit blunt (y)
really good detail there Mark, pleasant arrangement too... Greater DOF wouldn;t have been a bad thing here - but you have enough. (y)

the detail really does bring out all the little bits, which you wouldnt see with the naked eye, and the green definately needs sharpneing.
Hi Mark
bit of a cliche maybe but well delivered,
bit closer to the ends of the pencils would work better maybe, tighter crop oh and the green is a bit blunt (y)

Yep, the devils in the detail. Thanks.

Spot on for me Mark

Ta :)

really good detail there Mark, pleasant arrangement too... Greater DOF wouldn;t have been a bad thing here - but you have enough. (y)

the detail really does bring out all the little bits, which you wouldnt see with the naked eye, and the green definately needs sharpneing.

Thanks :)
OOO a bit of controversy there Mark!

And in Christmas week too! - perhaps you've already had your pressies? if not Santa will be striking you off his list! :LOL:

Nice angle and border does it's moody job very well I think, I'm not a lover of church pictures but I make the exception here. Good shot.
Hi, liking the shot of the church, nice low angle, fits the theme perfectly for me (y)
Not sure what Brian is on about and he will be taking pictures of churches in a few months :LOL:
Hi Mark

Sleek....think I prefer #1....you can make out what it is , the bottle is definately sleek & I like the subtle lighting.....something about the position bugs me though...lose a little from the rhs maybe ?

Color...well presented & amazing detail , I've tried this type of shot & it's ridiculous how fiddly pencils can be when you try to line them up :bonk: Only niggle for me is the yellow is listing left a little

Fantasy....very moody ,good detail in the stone work & the frame suits :)
OOO a bit of controversy there Mark!

And in Christmas week too! - perhaps you've already had your pressies? if not Santa will be striking you off his list! :LOL:

Nice angle and border does it's moody job very well I think, I'm not a lover of church pictures but I make the exception here. Good shot.

Nothing like a bit of controversy :D
I was trying for a moody look, churches can be really good subjects when you get the right ones.

Hi, liking the shot of the church, nice low angle, fits the theme perfectly for me (y)
Not sure what Brian is on about and he will be taking pictures of churches in a few months :LOL:


Hi Mark

Sleek....think I prefer #1....you can make out what it is , the bottle is definately sleek & I like the subtle lighting.....something about the position bugs me though...lose a little from the rhs maybe ?

Color...well presented & amazing detail , I've tried this type of shot & it's ridiculous how fiddly pencils can be when you try to line them up :bonk: Only niggle for me is the yellow is listing left a little

Fantasy....very moody ,good detail in the stone work & the frame suits :)

I thought there was something not quite right in the photo but couldn't work out what it was, could well be the position. (sleek)

Thanks for commenting on the others also :)
Liking the church shot, nice low POV, makes the perspective distortion work well, even the empty sky helps it all along. (y)