Do you find street photography easier in bigger cities?

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Good afternoon, I just wanted to share my experience and see others opinions.

I had a go at some street photography a few weeks back in Liverpool and thoroughly enjoyed my day and was really happy with some of the photos. I had some spare time this afternoon and wanted to have another go at some street, however there are no cities around where I live, just quiet run-down towns. I headed out to one which I thought would be the most interesting town within a half hour drive, but I struggled to find any scene I wanted to photograph. I did find a few scenes but I felt awkward pointing my camera and it was rare there would also be 'actors' in the scenes. I think as i'm quite shy i found it even more awkward having people watch me take photos kind of thing, I've probably explained this all really bad, but when I'm on holiday in big cities, or like my trip a few weeks back when it was busy I had no problems at all.

Do you feel more comfortable in certain kinds of cities/towns/etc? I'd love to hear.

To top that off, my pics came out awful, mostly all out of focus although they looked fine on the camera at the time. The only one I like was these pests below.

It can be easier to 'merge' into the background in a crowded city but to be honest the same problems are there wherever there are people. You have highlighted the biggest problem though ... it's in your mind ... it's you stopping you doing what you want to do because you are self-conscious and that in itself will draw attention as you will look ill at ease, suspicious if you like.

Just look for opportunities that might arise ... I went out for a bit this morning and spotted an interesting window so I waited until something interesting appeared ...


It didn't completely work as before I could get the right setup the guy clocked me and started to wander off back and forth.
However after a bit another opportunity arrived which seemed to fit the bill perfectly (for me at any rate) ...


I was out for a couple of hours and didn't really find anything better in this big city but at least I got a bit of exercise and fresh air.

In a public place your photography is perfectly legal and acceptable, people are being recorded on mobile phones and CCTV every day, just go out and practise your hobby wherever you are ... look confident, if you are spotted smile. :)
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It can be easier to 'merge' into the background in a crowded city

I was out for a couple of hours and didn't really find anything better in this big city but at least I got a bit of exercise and fresh air.

i get ya (y) definitely felt more natural in a crowded location, where others are also taking snaps.

Agree with you on the exercise, I think another problem was I wasn't up for much more than a few hours walk so didn't go back to the same locations to have another go.
i get ya (y) definitely felt more natural in a crowded location, where others are also taking snaps.

Agree with you on the exercise, I think another problem was I wasn't up for much more than a few hours walk so didn't go back to the same locations to have another go.

Keep at it, you will learn to enjoy it :)
I love a little street photography - you find some amazing subject matter

like this


Les :)
My Street is simply that usually - the streets themselves or what I consider interesting parts thereof. If there are people in them its usually incidental rather than them being the subject

For example - I'd not even have considered photographing ANY of the above photos - so yes big cities are best as there's more to see/shoot; I do think you are ignored more in cities too so its easier to just crack on :)

If I ever do see something that I'd like to have people in then I'd wait for the 'right' sort of person(s) to come along, though I've never waited more than 30 mins as I feel I'm missing something else; so here with the "Extraordinary ideas start small" on that window, I'd really want the baby much better placed for it and preferably a small child framed within the box, so if shooting people at all I tend ot want there to be a story or humour, even if only I 'get' it lol

Good afternoon, I just wanted to share my experience and see others opinions.

I had a go at some street photography a few weeks back in Liverpool and thoroughly enjoyed my day and was really happy with some of the photos. I had some spare time this afternoon and wanted to have another go at some street, however there are no cities around where I live, just quiet run-down towns. I headed out to one which I thought would be the most interesting town within a half hour drive, but I struggled to find any scene I wanted to photograph. I did find a few scenes but I felt awkward pointing my camera and it was rare there would also be 'actors' in the scenes. I think as i'm quite shy i found it even more awkward having people watch me take photos kind of thing, I've probably explained this all really bad, but when I'm on holiday in big cities, or like my trip a few weeks back when it was busy I had no problems at all.

Do you feel more comfortable in certain kinds of cities/towns/etc? I'd love to hear.

To top that off, my pics came out awful, mostly all out of focus although they looked fine on the camera at the time. The only one I like was these pests below.


I was in the City Centre the other day, and I was getting too much in the frame. I love photographing gritty urban scenes, rather than modern big Cities.
I feel a lot more conscious walking around Aldershot and Guildford with a camera, and when I bother to go, I'll end up coming home due to boredom and feeling dejected - I find going into London is a lot more interesting, inspiring and effective for me to achieving a much higher rate of photos of interest per hour.

London - blog link


Q2 - Guildford by Daniel Cook, on Flickr


Q2 - Post Me by Daniel Cook, on Flickr
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I don't have any large cities or towns anywhere near me.

Only tiny towns with Pop of 2000 - 6000 mainly.

When I walk down the street with a camera I feel like I stand out like a sore thumb.

Nobody does it here, I very rarely see anyone else with a camera, only the odd one or two taking a shot of a building or shop window.

I 100% would not do it here.

I have been to large cities and it feels like nobody gives a t**s what you are doing and you just melt into the crowd.

However I would caution a lot of respect and common sense because as with any street photography you can really pee some folks off.

Very bad idea to take shots of people eating or kissing IMO but im sure many would disagree
here with the "Extraordinary ideas start small" on that window, I'd really want the baby much better placed for it and preferably a small child framed within the box,
You are only seeing part of the 'story' ;)
Here in Brentwood Essex I am the ONLY one walking around with a Camera and I have to be very careful as ' Essex People' are very aggressive -- I have been sworn at and called a 'P****' from a Car just walking i Western Road on the Way to the High Street ! It IS EASIER in London -- no probs .
I 100% would not do it here.
I often take pictures of people going about their business in small towns or villages. The thing is that I nearly always use a long lens, don't approach the subjects and work as quickly and unobtrusively as possible. Here are three pictures from Marlborough, Buckfastleigh and Wokingham...

Two women wheelchair Marlborough Market PentaxES_042537.JPG

Woman washing window Buckfastleigh D5100 2015081808.JPG

Man playing saxophone Wokingham D200 8473.JPG

I saw your post the other day from London, really nice set (y)

I don't have any large cities or towns anywhere near me.

Only tiny towns with Pop of 2000 - 6000 mainly.

When I walk down the street with a camera I feel like I stand out like a sore thumb.

Nobody does it here, I very rarely see anyone else with a camera, only the odd one or two taking a shot of a building or shop window.

I 100% would not do it here.

I have been to large cities and it feels like nobody gives a t**s what you are doing and you just melt into the crowd.

That's how I felt really, there are a few towns not too far with say 20k population but nothing really that interesting there. I used to live both London and Nanjing, I wish I was into photography when I lived in either of those places, perfects for street,
My Street Photography subgenre is candid portraits of people who are there to be photographed: buskers, demonstrators, people who want to get noticed.

Gay Pride, Extinction Rebelion, Brexit (for & against) ... some great opportunities of late. ;)

One I took a few years ago, with the D80 and 50mm 1.8D. I got in close and shot from the hip, managed to miss focus. I may have been trying to focus on the tall fella, but I don't think the D80 at a focus point in that area.

I just ran the Jpeg image through Nikon Capture, just to display focus point. It says focus point was on the arm of the lady with the push basket. :rolleyes:
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