Grain Like GOLF BALLS !

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YO ! Found some cassettes of 01/1998 dated Fuji Neopan 1600 Professional in Fridge so have been experimenting with PENTAX cameras and different Developers but still go 'Grain Like Golf Balls' -- OK for 'testing' on subjects such as 'Street Candids' but would never get a Camera Club winner !
Pentax ME Super with FX-37 1+3 dilution
ME Super Fuji 1600 01 by Peter Elgar, on Flickr
ME Super Fuji 1600 04 by Peter Elgar, on Flickr
ME Super Fuji 1600 05 by Peter Elgar, on Flickr
Pentax KX using 2-bath Formula
KX Fuji Neopan 1600 01 by Peter Elgar, on Flickr
KX Fuji Neopan 1600 02 by Peter Elgar, on Flickr
KX Fuji Neopan 1600 03 by Peter Elgar, on Flickr
Blimey I used to useHP5 at 1600 in microphen and get way better grain than that, and thats pushed 2 stops.
I used to deliberately push HP5 and Tri-X to 3200 and crop heavily at the printing stage just to get golfball grain!
Reminds me of Bergger Panchromatic 400. I tried it once. :p

" Grain Like GOLF BALLS ! " - :LOL::LOL::LOL::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: Oh dear, I just laughed out loud so much at this title - brilliant !

There used to be some of that film in the fridge in the camera club darkroom around the same sort of time. It was free, but nobody to my knowledge ever used it. Now I know why :)
There used to be some of that film in the fridge in the camera club darkroom around the same sort of time. It was free, but nobody to my knowledge ever used it. Now I know why :)
When I had my previous studio back in the 1990s I had a colour processing lab (not my company) working upstairs. The old man running it gave me a couple of boxs of the free film they used to give with the pics they processed. He gave me a warning not to use it for jobs as it was out of date and a bit "dodgy" but it was ok for playing about. It had crossed curves and you couldnt correct the colours properly.
It came out a bit like crossed process film. I used to carry a few in my bag at weddings. Nine times out of ten someone would ask if I had a spare film. I used to just give them one free, and tell them it's out of date (I'm too nice to sell them :)) and warn them to colours might be a bit off. I often wonder what the labs they took them too did.... bet they had fun. :naughty:
Have the last bit of that film loaded in a PENTAX MZ5 now for processing in Kodak D23 formula -- will let you know if it is
better with 'Smaller Golf Balls'
MZ-5 Fuji 1600  D23 01.jpgMZ-5 Fuji 1600 D23 02.jpgMZ-5 Fuji 1600 D23 03.jpg
This was a Test Bit processed in Full Strength Kodak D23 formula for 8 mins@ 20oc -- maybe give 7 mins next time