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Hello! Sure is nice to find a photography forum again. Years ago there use to be some good ones here in Houston, but everyone seemed to switch over to facebook.

A little about me.. Been working with a camera for almost 20 yrs now. I love creating images working with models and portraits of high school seniors. Posing groups of people seems to be my weak point.

I love working outside mixing natural light and strobe light together. But if I find an interesting old building I will work inside too.

I'm looking forward to talking with other photographers on this forum and learning a few things along the way.
Welcome Roy, nice to have you here. Looking forward to seeing you join in discussions, share images and maybe participate in challenges
Hi Roy, And welcome aboard TP, looking forward to hearing from you and maybe seeing some of your images on the various forums. "Enjoy"
Welcome to the forum Roy, have fun here :)