Lady of the Lake

Edit My Images





#3 is the image excellently done and so is #7. think the rest could do with the style presented in those.

#1 would particularly suit.
I feel I might be looking at different images to those posted above...

#1 looks like it's been created on face in the hole (selective brightening work on the face???). The background is darkened far too much for me.

#2 I'm not really sure what to say to make this better... I'd probably leave it out of the set. The pose looks a bit awkward and I'm not a fan of the bunch of bananas (fingers all pointed down facing the viewer). It also seems the color is a little off (too warm for the scene) and the white has been taken out of the greys too much - did you use the selective color adjustment layer and adjust the neutral???

#3 is not bad.

#4 the darkening of the background and isolation of the model looks bit strange - would have to see the original to comment a bit more positively.

#5 Not a fan of the green and the amount of processing has left a serious degraduation in IQ for the shadows. Was this a .jpg that was darkened???

#6 Good idea but again, background is the let down for me.

#7 Very good.

Over all, I feel the area that's a let down mostly on this set is the subject separation, which appears to have been down in PP with making the background darker. I just think it looks a little too over done and easy to spot. If there's one thing I'd work on in the set, it would be working on the PP and going for a look that isn't so in-your-face obvious of what's been done.

Sorry I can't add much more to it that that - I'd have to have a play with a RAW to illustrate what I mean as it's difficult to convey in words.
Two big problems for me with this set - the PP and the acting ability of the model. The clothes and setting are great, but the posing and drama is sadly lacking.

The last one, however, is fantastic.
cheers for the comments... the images are how they are and no no work has been done on jpgs all done in raw and tiffs and no i havent adjusted neutral on a selective colour layer.......... i like them the models like them thats just how it is . there is a reason that the same PP wasnt dont on them all. cos i didint want it , i rarely do the same PP throughout a shoot. some like it some dont its all just subjective. The processing done was the processing that i wanted on them . thanks for the input tho it is apprecaited