Links to Tutorials, Resources, Holga, Bargains and Some other Pinned threads that aren't anymore.


The other Chris
Edit My Images
There were quite a lot of pinned threads in F&C some of which were really just "normal" threads so to tidy up a bit they are linked here and unpinned

First of all, and probably most important in terms of helping newcomers, or returnees to film shooting:

Just for ease of reference however, heres some of the more essential parts of that Resource Guide:

"Photography Equipment
The Massive Film and Conventional Camera Review Thread
Film Camera Reviews Discussion thread
First film camera ever (or for many years)
Shops/Suppliers for equipment/film/repairs & servicing.
Large Format photography group - From "zero to hero!"

"Processing and Editing
Developing your first roll of Black and white film
how to develop black and white fillum
Basic B&W Film Printing
Film Developing in the UK
Darkroom Books
A Big Film Scanner Thread"

Going on from resourcs, we have a link to most if not all of the challenges that we've run over the years, and are still running:

A Old Favourite - the Film and Conventional "Bargains and where we found them thread"

And, just so it doesn't get lost in the 2022 POTY references, a back link to 2021's Film Photographer of the year competition

MOD EDIT: Initial post now slightly re:arranged for clarity / ease of reference to newbies / senile old crocks like TBY...
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Definitely agree with the Holga thread, Chris, and FPOTY 21 rules etc. However, IMHO losing the "Tutorials and Resources" thread is a mistake, and likewise (but maybe slightly less so) for the "Challenge Index" thread. Both of these are seldom updated and so will disappear into the nth page, but they are both very useful. Although this thread does link to the Resources thread, the name means those looking for advice will be even less likely to look here than they have been.
The problem is that it was getting to a screenful of pinned threads at the top of F&C so anything new was always off the screen. Tutorials and Resources has only had 22k views in 7 years so not that popular even pinned. I have unlocked it and bumped it. Feel free to bookmark it in your browser and bump it as you see fit to keep it on the first page.

In reality it should probably be moved to the Tutorials section rather than having it in Talk Film and Conventional
Tutorials and Resources has only had 22k views in 7 years so not that popular even pinned.

So, an average of almost 10 views a day over 7 years, for a thread that is simply pointers to useful bits of info, is "not that popular"?

In reality it should probably be moved to the Tutorials section rather than having it in Talk Film and Conventional

If you move that thread (as opposed to the actual tutorials) to the Tutorials section, you can pretty much guarantee that the people on this part of the forum won't find it. Oh well, you're the boss.
I too fear that the useful resource will just disappear, perhaps changing the name from “Previously Pinned Threads” to something like “Answers to Most of Your Questions”
Although there does seem to be a lot of pinned threads most of them have evolved over the years and have been pinned due to their popularity and usefulnes, particularly for new visitors it gives a snapshot of what the F&C section is all about.
Also moving a film and conventional resource to somewhere else in the forum doesn’t make a lot of sense to me, I like to think the F&C section is a one stop shop for all things filmy where old and new members alike can find all the info and conversation they need without getting lost as they wander down the corridor of digital doom.
Having read this, and Mark's "Info" post on where to find things, I finally decided to see exactly WHERE they were by clicking on a link. Working back from the url on the page, I discovered that there is a "Tutorials" section on the same level as "Forums" etc.. First time I've noticed it. I'd always assumed when trying to find tutorials that they were under "Forums" which explains why I never located it.
So @sirch , having thought about this a bit, I have a specific proposal that might meet your aim to minimise the number of stickies, while continuing to make the resources explicitly visible.

Would it be possible to re-title this thread something like "Film and Conventional resources and other useful threads"

At the front, add the following section from the earlier Tutorials and Resources: thread:

"Photography Equipment
The Massive Film and Conventional Camera Review Thread
Film Camera Reviews Discussion thread
First film camera ever (or for many years)
Shops/Suppliers for equipment/film/repairs & servicing.
Large Format photography group - From "zero to hero!"

"Processing and Editing
Developing your first roll of Black and white film
how to develop black and white fillum
Basic B&W Film Printing
Film Developing in the UK
Darkroom Books
A Big Film Scanner Thread"

(Not sure that the distinction between tutorials and resources is particularly useful in this context.)

Follow this with the other 3 links from your current first post, and any other useful links you find, or proposals we make that you accept.

The benefit of this is that the useful resources would be at the same level as other useful threads, as opposed to being yet another level of re-direction away.
Would it be possible to re-title this thread something like "Film and Conventional resources and other useful threads"

Hows it look now @ChrisR - please say you're gonna put the pitchforks and firebrands away now... :)
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Thanks to all!