Quick lightroom question

Edit My Images
I tried lightroom years ago and didn't like it, I want to give it another go BUT before I do I want to know if it alters the actual location of your files?
I can't find a clear answer, though I think it just keeps changes in the catalogue rather than the original image.
I don't want to install it again, hate it still and then find its buggered up my files system ;)
Which version of Lightroom? Depending on how you configure it, Lightroom Classic can move files on your system, or you can set it to reference them in place - however, if you then move the file outside of Lightroom, the link is broken.
I tried lightroom years ago and didn't like it, I want to give it another go BUT before I do I want to know if it alters the actual location of your files?
I can't find a clear answer, though I think it just keeps changes in the catalogue rather than the original image.
I don't want to install it again, hate it still and then find its buggered up my files system ;)
It all depends how you configure the Import of files.
Personally, I set LR to import from the SD card, and to copy the files it finds into the directory structure I want - so it creates new folders based on date images were taken and copies them into there. I also have it set to rename the files when it does so - you can set up rules for this (so I prefix with the camera, to avoid the risk of a filename collision as I'm using three different Sony cameras, which all independently maintain a sequence based naming structure for the image files)
If you have a workflow where you independently create the structure you want on your data drive, then you can set LR to Add (rather than copy) in which case it leaves the files as they are.
Faldrax, if that applies to lightroom classic then that answers my question perfectly, Thank you both for your time :)
LR Classic:

It's up to you. When you import you can Add, Move or Copy.

Add will add the photos to your library but leave the images wherever you left them.

Move will add the photos to your library and move the image into a folder location / structure defined by you.

Copy is as Move but copies the images, leaving the originals wherever you left them.

Copy as DNG is the same as as Copy but also converts the images to DNG format.
For a number of years the folder I had the photo's I wanted to work on, was the same folder that Lightroom used a subfolder to place the finished photo's in. For me that was perfect. Several months ago after an update my photo's are all over the place. I know where they are, but it's a lot of faffing about. I have followed others instructions to the letter and still it won't make a subfolder in the folder I am working on.