Testing my OM1.

It all depends ....

OM1s did take the PX625 mercury cell - these have now been banned.

Can take the Wein cell as your link or

Can use A675 Zinc air cell here with an adaptor can't find the link at the mo.


Some OM-1s have been (or can be) converted to take a single silver oxide cell SR44W

Don't forget that the OM-1 is a mechanical camera the battery only operates the meter, everything else should work without a battery.
Apart from the rotting of the light seal foam, which affects most cameras of that age, there is also foam around the pentaprism. When that turns to goo it eats the silvering on the top faces. If that has happened, then it's immediately obvious when you look through the viewfinder.

It is reasonably easy to remove the foam and to replace the prism with one from a parts camera. All the OM prisms are the same including the OM10. Apparently the foam round the prism isn't necessary. I removed all mine and changed the prism and the camera works fine and meters OK.

If you need it, then there's a guide to prism foam removal here:

I ordered that battery, John.

here are some quick iPhone photos.





With the camera set to "on" (again, not sure if the battery is dead or not), with an ISO of 200, a bright sunny day and an aperture of 1.8 the light meter is telling me the correct exposure is 1 second.

Does any of that help?
In the absence of another lightmeter you could apply the 'Sunny 16' rule
here and check if the meter reads something similar.

Your foam strips look a bit dodgy - might need replacing - easy job.
Is it here I should be looking John? http://lamluce.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/2013-06-12-07.44.14.jpg

If so, on my OM1, there's just residue of what used to be there, there's not a thing there now.

Could the light meter info be because the battery's dead or should it not work at all if the battery's dead? I'd ideally prefer that to be working :\ is it an easy fix or just not possible?

With the above settings, I point the camera to the sky outside and it's exposed correctly according to the light meter. But then I point it at my black sofa inside, where it's far less bright, and it tells me it's exposed correctly too. When I change the shutter speed, the light meter dial moves. I don't know if any of that sheds light (heh) on anything but figured I'd mention it just in case..

I'm tempted to just use the cameras I know work and that I have far more experience with but I really want to get this one working.
The viewfinder looks OK to me. The foam in the slots looks OK as well, but I could be wrong. A test roll will soon tell if there are any light leaks.

As to the meter - the battery's dead for sure. The needle moves even when the switch is set to 'off' or the battery is dead. That reading is what my OM1 gives me when the meter is off. For 200 ISO film in sunlight at f1.8 the correct exposure would be faster than 1/4000th of a second!
I'm not sure where I should be looking cause I can't see foam anywhere :p

But yeah, the viewfinder is just dirty from what I can see. I'm going to dig out a manual and see if I have any film lying about for when the battery arrives. Just paid 8 quid for a test roll from my Trip 35 to see that the camera is working but only getting 3 shots where you can actually tell what the subject is. Blergh! I haven't touched that camera in years.
Ah okay! All that's there is the residue from the adhesive, no foam at all.

I'm tempted to try it first without.. I'm partial to light leaks.

I ordered that battery, John.

With the camera set to "on" (again, not sure if the battery is dead or not), with an ISO of 200, a bright sunny day and an aperture of 1.8 the light meter is telling me the correct exposure is 1 second.

Does any of that help?

As mentioned the meter is way out.....a quick check it to set the lens at f5.6 and in bright sunshine in the Uk point the camera at dark green grass, dark green shrub or deep bue sky and for 200 ISO the shutter speed should be approximately 1/250 or 1/500.
In Ibiza 1/500 gave f5.6-f8 for 100 ISO film and I sometimes used the blue sky for checking correct exposure for my shots, when I couldn't find something dark grey in a boat.
Thanks, Brian. Hopefully it's something a new battery might sort out?
Ah okay! All that's there is the residue from the adhesive, no foam at all.

I'm tempted to try it first without.. I'm partial to light leaks.


If you don't think the light leaks try it as is. If you think there could be a light leak you might just apply some black sticky tape over the edges of the film door? S'not pretty but it'll get you through until you've got foam sorted.

Batteries: I've been using 625A cells (Cheaply available on EBay:naughty: ) in OM1 bodies for some time without difficulty but I've just had one to Miles Whitehead for CLA and he's added a component to deal with the voltage difference.

You imply that the battery in the camera is old: I'd chuck it and be prepared to clean out leakage. When the meter switch is set to OFF the needle should drop right down and spring smartly upwards when you switch the meter ON.

Keep us posted eh?
I'd think carefully about the light leak thing. It can really ruin a roll of film and spoil your day when you see the developed shots. You can get a full light seal kit from a few places including these chaps:


I've just done two OM's and from start to finish, the job probably took 45 mins. Well worth it in my opinion and allows you to shoot with confidence.
As Graham said, I also recommend the aki-asahi service to buy the foam seals for your OM-1, I recently buy the seals foam kit (one 1.5mm width sheet and one 2mm width sheet) and I replaced the seals (back seals and mirror) of all my cameras, included my OM-1, in a few hours:


Here is another alternative, one 1.5mm width sheet (strings) ready to use, but only for the backdoor:


And if you want a complete seals kit specifically for the OM1:


The site includes pictures to explain how to change the seals.

If you have any doubt about how to do it, send me a private message and I will help you. :)
Thanks very much guys! The battery arrived today so I'll get out the old one and see what the state is inside there... I'm going to deal with the light seals, too. Just in case.

I was actually on that aki-asahi site the other day.. I didn't realise they did those too. I was looking to see what cameras I have that they do skins for.. Graham, love the cameras in your signature. My Trip is what I'm most looking forward to putting a skin on.
This link

may be of interest.

Still can't find my link to the brass zinc-air battery adaptor, maybe they've stopped doing them.

There is however (the more expensive) MR-9 adaptor http://www.smallbattery.company.org.uk/sbc_mr9_adapter.htm
not used these myself but they describe them as the 'Rolls Royce' solution.
This link also lists some alternatives.
Thanks very much for the links John! My ebay wein cell battery arrived today so I've got that for now but will definitely be looking into the adapters for the future.. I just picked up a bargain Canon ftb and it looks to use the same/similar so adapters might be a good thing.
I'll fire off an email, thanks!

I can't actually get the battery door off. Probably not a good sign!
Thanks very much for the links John! My ebay wein cell battery arrived today so I've got that for now but will definitely be looking into the adapters for the future.. I just picked up a bargain Canon ftb and it looks to use the same/similar so adapters might be a good thing.

FTb (y) Your coming into my world as I'm mainly a Canon man.....IMO don't bother with Wein cells or hearing aid batteries and just stick a 1.5v battery in for about £1.50 and adjust the ASA after checking exposure with your digital camera..... http://www.smallbattery.company.org.uk/sbc_lr9.htm the tolerance of the film will cover any possible small inaccuracies of exposure from low to bright light.
Next pickup a M42 to Canon adapter for the fun of using all the M42 screw lenses out there, plus you can get M39 to M42 ring adapter to use enlarging lenses plus old lenses that are M39.
The FTB is a tough camera although I broke mine when it needed a service (esp oiling) when I forced the rewind lever and something inside broke :crying: ...... I didn't care as a few years back bought it with three lenses for £10.
Thanks very much Brian! With DSLR's I'm very much a canon girl but have used mostly Olympus and zenit film cameras, not including the big boys used in college. I used to have a Nikon F3 though. The FTB is a much better fit in my hands! Got it with a Canon 50mm 1.8 lens and hoya skylight for £5.
Thanks very much Brian! With DSLR's I'm very much a canon girl but have used mostly Olympus and zenit film cameras, not including the big boys used in college. I used to have a Nikon F3 though. The FTB is a much better fit in my hands! Got it with a Canon 50mm 1.8 lens and hoya skylight for £5.

That was a bargain and the old FD 50mm f1.8 is a very good lens. Also if you do decide to get a M42 to canon FD adapter and buy some M42 lenses...the same lenses can be used on your Canon DSLr (of course with the correct adapter).
Right, order has been put in for a light seal replacement kit for both the OM1 and the trip. Also ordered a skin for the trip, heh. Got dodgy results from a roll put through the trip but think that was user error! I tend to do better with cameras you literally just press a button on or cameras where you do everything; the inbetween can be a struggle :x

Does anyone have any specific film recommendations for putting through the trip, Canon FTB and OM1?

I'm hoping to have at least one down and working how it should in time for my trip to the inlaws in Northern Ireland next week but it's not looking likely!
The Poundland agfa vista colour 200 stuff is surprisingly decent for £1 a roll. That's what I have in my Trip at the moment. I use my OM1 for landscapes usually so nearly always on a tripod so have some Ilford Pan-F 50 in that. Also use Kentmere black and white. All very personal of course.

What colour have you gone for on the trip? I redid mine last week. Pic from other thread:

GD1_2460 by G.A.D, on Flickr

This is my OM1n

GD1_2451 by G.A.D, on Flickr
Niiice! I went for the Yellow Lizard Emboss.. I didn't see OM1 coverings on there :(

I don't think we have a poundland here... I'll need to get the trip manual out again, the 3 shots that have something that can actually be made out aren't great at all.

Okay.. with ISO 200, f1.8 these are the shutter speed results:
Canon 5D - 1/500
Canon FTB - 1/250
Olympus OM1 - right between bulb and 1 second o_O (I still can't get in to take the old battery out and put the new one in)

edit - just looked and we appear to have a poundland just up the road... it's pretty small though.
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Poundland in the St. James Centre, near the back door. Usually has vista with the blank cd's etc in the back corner.
Yeah Steven, I just went to the store finder and saw there's one in meadowbank too.. that's literally just up the road from me so hopefully they'll have it there.. if not, town's not too far either!
Back with 10 rolls of the film! Now hoping someone strong will come and visit soon and try to get to the OM1's battery!
Back with 10 rolls of the film! Now hoping someone strong will come and visit soon and try to get to the OM1's battery!

I don't think strength will solve the problem. It's probably down to corrosion from the battery leaking. The best thing to do is :

1. Remove the bottom plate - only 4 tiny screws and nothing nasty will fall out, except perhaps a leaky battery.

2. Soak the end with the battery compartment cap in a glass of white wine vinegar for a few hours until it can be loosened.

Hopefully the corrosion won't have eaten through the wire to the battery terminal. If it has you will have to replace and resolder it.
I thought so! I don't have a screwdriver small enough. Will need to go (back) to Asda or something and see if they have one.
Back with 10 rolls of the film! Now hoping someone strong will come and visit soon and try to get to the OM1's battery!

Have you a large coin to give you more grip, or fork end or thick knife etc that is a tight fit in the slot :shrug:
I hate to say this, but you can probably get a suitable micro crosshead type screwdriver in Poundland as part of a kit! Check their website first.
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I hate to say this, but you can probably get a suitable micro crosshead type screwdriver in Poundland as part of a kit! Check their website first.

Be careful as Japanese "phillips" type screws are slightly different and on tight screws, using force, could ruin the crosshead screw. Also the screwdriver has to be decent steel not to be damaged......so avoid Chinese cheapies.
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I forgot we had a halfords at the other end of the road and my impatience got the better of me so.. what lurks beneath!






*insert expletive here*

See the crumbly greeny white stuff by the battery compartment in the photos? Very gently brushed that away and found this
Don't worry about it, the power just runs the meter, with a bit of practice you can manage without.
Don't panic, all is not lost. I know where that wire goes - photo of corresponding item on my OM1 to follow. You can fix this with care, back soon.