
Thanks Mike, for supporting this section both before it's existence and now in it's first day (y)

I have to say it's a really interesting image thumbs: though I bet getting a perfect white balance would be a nightmare :LOL: I think it would be really cool if as part of a longer exposure some of the cranes were moving :thinking:

though I bet getting a perfect white balance would be a nightmare :LOL:
Erm. I didn't bother lol. Lazy (?) but I let the AWB take care of it, though I tweaked the saturation and temperature a little. The mix of different light sources (sodium, fluorescent, halogen, mercury, that I know of), it would be impossible plus I sort of like the difference :)
I think it would be really cool if as part of a longer exposure some of the cranes were moving :thinking:

Ah, yes. The Dockers union, working after dark, though??? LOL.
Food for thought, though, thanks!