Beginner Wedding pictures?

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I'm going to my nephews wedding today as a guest.
I'm taking my camera a canon 6d .
What setting should I have my camera on ?
I mean like do I have portrait or landscape etc?
I would suggest OFF and just enjoy the day, but as we know that's not going to happen Phil's suggestion is spot on.

Not knowing your available lenses and focal lengths, I'd suggest f/4 most of the time and f/8 for small groups.
Donna, it's a shame you didn't say sooner, but hope you had a good time & manage to grab a few shots you're all happy with. :)
Did you have time to watch the official photographer at work, could pick up some useful tips by just observing.
If you want an opinion...

Sorry but they're what I'd expect, you (probably rightly) haven't got their attention, so as portraits they're a fail, there's no 'connection'.
Yes I watched when he was about.
But he was taking the main pictures so I kept out of the way and grabbed shots where I could.
And thanks Phil always like to hear where I went wrong, you can't learn other wise
should have took your i phone and left the dslr at home until you learn how to use it best bet is read the manual then read it again and again
best to do your research weeks before the event and get some practice in not the same day
Practise makes perfect, I won't learn by leaving it at home will I

yes it does so lesson leared i hope

read the manual long before the event even take it with you if you can't remember how to do simple settings
if you don't want advice don't ask for it
so if your a guest and not the photographer
why are you so up tight

so jeeez yourself and lighten up
I think as photos, as a guest, they are very nice reminders of the day. One suggestion, when you're processing less is more and stepping away from the white vignette will help your photos feel more timeless
I'd suggest taking your camera out with you as often as possible. Get a little 50mm to keep it lightweigjt and use it daily if you can.

Try a subtle reverse on the vignette (black rather than white).

Once you are a little more comfortable I'd suggest sticking the camera into manual mode so you can learn how aperture, shutter speed and ISO effects the exposure.

Have fun :)
Donna, a little challenge for you for the next wedding you attend and if you take your camera.
Rather than shooting from the pro's perspective (or beside them), shoot from a guest perspective if you must.
Try and capture the shots away from what the pro is shootng, it will help tell the story of the day. Those candid moments if you will.
The pro and their second cant be everywhere, that way there is absolutely no risk of you geting in their way.
Alternatively, leave your camera at home for another day :D
Donna, a little challenge for you for the next wedding you attend and if you take your camera.
Rather than shooting from the pro's perspective (or beside them), shoot from a guest perspective if you must.
Try and capture the shots away from what the pro is shootng, it will help tell the story of the day. Those candid moments if you will.
The pro and their second cant be everywhere, that way there is absolutely no risk of you geting in their way.
Alternatively, leave your camera at home for another day :D
Very rare for me to go to weddings, was my nephews and thought id take my camera .
It wasnt no harm to anyone that pictures arent perfect, only put on facebook for family, who actually like them lol.
They had proper photographers on the day.
I just took a few here and there where i could.
And thankyou ill bare that in mind if i go to another camera in hand.
I'd suggest taking your camera out with you as often as possible. Get a little 50mm to keep it lightweigjt and use it daily if you can.

Try a subtle reverse on the vignette (black rather than white).

Once you are a little more comfortable I'd suggest sticking the camera into manual mode so you can learn how aperture, shutter speed and ISO effects the exposure.

Have fun :)
Thankyou, i do have a nifty fifty
I always take my camera for weddings, christenings, communions etc. I don't really take it for funerals though. I stay out out of the photographers way. I'm so glad I did as on my sister's wedding the pro substituted a contractor and a lot of his shots were rubbish. Many of mine ended up in the album. Just a few bits learnt from each occasion have taught me quite a bit over the years.
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I feel there has been some unfair comments in here to say the least.

I just got married (1st April) and I appreciated all photos that were taken, professional or not, it is not like you were trying to be the main photographer!

I'm just an amateur but i take my camera to most weddings too, i see it as good practice, and i know that most people have appreciated the extra photos given to them.

Keep doing what you enjoy, you can only get better at it.
I feel there has been some unfair comments in here to say the least.

I just got married (1st April) and I appreciated all photos that were taken, professional or not, it is not like you were trying to be the main photographer!

I'm just an amateur but i take my camera to most weddings too, i see it as good practice, and i know that most people have appreciated the extra photos given to them.

Keep doing what you enjoy, you can only get better at it.

Thankyou x