Recent content by ah5168

  1. ah5168

    Rechargeable AA Batteries

    I use the Ikea rechargeables as well and they perform very well in strobes. It's good to use a charger that shows you the individual cell capacity as you might find you just have the odd dodgy cell that is pulling down the whole set. Here is a good review of the most of the major brands View...
  2. ah5168

    Saul Leiter MK Gallery until 2nd June

    I am a bit of a Saul Leiter fan and I have only just found out about this. Unfortunately it finishes on the 2nd June Andrew HATFIELD | Architectural and Interior Photographer
  3. ah5168

    Blackmagic Pocket 4k lens on a tight budget

    Prior to gimbals everyone used Glidecams they can be a bit tricky to set up until you get the knack but the results are smooth but more organic than a gimbal. Because they are not popular anymore you can get them very cheap now...
  4. ah5168

    Blackmagic Pocket 4k lens on a tight budget

    The Lumix lenses have a weird system where the rate that you turn the ring changes the focus throw. If you turn it slowly it takes a lot of movement on the ring to make it move if you turn it quickly it takes a lot less throw. Unfortunately it is completely useless for video manual focus because...
  5. ah5168

    Blackmagic Pocket 4k lens on a tight budget

    Let us know how you get on. You may struggle when trying to manual focus the Lumix 25mm, this type of lens works well on a regular MFT camera but the fly by wire focusing can be a bit unpredictable on the BMPCC in manual mode. I've found the auto focus works well for this kind of lens though...
  6. ah5168

    Tripod, Equipment and "Shills"

    If you already have a carbon tripod the things that are letting you down are the cumulative movement of camera to plate, head to tripod and the flexibility of the feet. All these can add up to quiet a bit. Use some firm pressure to move you camera about and look where the movements coming from...
  7. ah5168

    Blackmagic Pocket 4k lens on a tight budget

    I have a couple of BMPCC4K. One of the benefits of the MFT mount is you can adapt it to most lens systems. I use Nikon lenses for stills and so I have adapted mine to fit those, but it's just as easy to use a Canon or Sony mount. I use one of these for mount adapting...
  8. ah5168

    Benefits of a faster memory card when remote camera fills the buffer?

    You will also get a higher write speed if you switch to CF cards. Andrew HATFIELD | Architectural and Interior Photographer
  9. ah5168

    Benefits of a faster memory card when remote camera fills the buffer?

    The limiting factor is probably the buffer on your camera. When that's full you are reliant on the buffer to card transfer time, which you can see is quiet slow. Your best option is to shoot smaller files, it will then take more shots to fill the buffer and allow more shots to be transferred to...
  10. ah5168

    Windows and doors.

    Borough Yards Andrew HATFIELD | Architectural and Interior Photographer
  11. ah5168

    Travel / portable light stands?

    If you are working with softboxes when it's windy you probably want to use some weights. Andrew HATFIELD | Architectural and Interior Photographer
  12. ah5168

    Using an external monitor?

    I use an external monitor a lot of the time. It really helps if you are working in tight spaces when you can't see the on camera monitor or get your eye to the viewfinder. I also do a lot of night photography and the focus peeking tools and wave forms to get the exposure and focus right. It...
  13. ah5168

    Shift Lenses (no tilting) - an open thread

    As this is the Architecture Forum I thought it would be interesting to see your shots taken with Shift Lenses. I thought I would start with a note on what lenses I use and how I use them. I use the Nikon 24mm PC-E f/3.5 this is a tilt/shift lens and the vintage Nikon 35mm PC f/2.8 shift only...
  14. ah5168

    The Other World

    Have you seen work by Harry Gruyaert his photographs have a similar vibe to SL. Andrew HATFIELD | Architectural and Interior Photographer
  15. ah5168

    The Other World

    Looks good, reminds me of work by Saul Leiter. Andrew HATFIELD | Architectural and Interior Photographer