Recent content by ancient_mariner

  1. ancient_mariner

    Shaver sockets

    Out of interest, what do you consider better?
  2. ancient_mariner

    Zine Exchange VII - January to April 2024

    When I get a chance I'll take another look. *edit found it, thank you.
  3. ancient_mariner

    Zine Exchange VII - January to April 2024

    Self-banning is an interesting idea. But it's more a relief to get it done right and not let people down. I went through the zines that are already delivered after I had finished, and there is some fantastic work in them.
  4. ancient_mariner

    Zine Exchange VII - January to April 2024

    Is that the sharable online view? I didn't see that link.
  5. ancient_mariner

    Lightroom alternative for both Windows and Mac?

    I have the regular 'perpetual' licence suite and that's all, but I don't use cloud software or storage for anything. I had the plus access for a year which was good, but didn't continue.
  6. ancient_mariner

    Lightroom alternative for both Windows and Mac?

    On1 Photoraw does both those and cataloguing. It would be my go-to after LRC.
  7. ancient_mariner

    Zine Exchange VII - January to April 2024

    FWIW I'm glad they get you to check prior to confirming the print run. I found that about half way through I'd lost track of pages, and images that should have been opposite each other where back-to-back instead. Should be delivered on Friday...... Waiting. Out of interest - Mixam - how long...
  8. ancient_mariner

    The Amazing Sony A1/A7/A9/APS-C & Anything else welcome Mega Thread!

    The Zeiss 55 f1.8 is 'good', very neutral, sharp across the frame, suffers a bit of chromatic abberration. They're not expensive by mirrorless standards if bought used. The Sony 50 f1.8 is optically OK, but the focussing system is exceptionally poor, and I wouldn't buy one even at Amazon's BF...
  9. ancient_mariner

    Getting images printed

    Export at 300ppi, using the longest edge print dimension, as suggested. Check file types accepted. Everyone will take jpg, many, but not all, will take tifs. Make sure you export in a colour space the printer can manage. If you have a calibrated screen that can help, otherwise pay special...
  10. ancient_mariner


    That could be a good entry this month, if you used a 50mm...... ;)
  11. ancient_mariner


    That's a good, strong image, Gav.
  12. ancient_mariner

    Shaver sockets

    Ours is something like that, but there's no buzz. Pull cords are good for me - I favour a solid mechanical switch.