Recent content by BethAtTheHug

  1. BethAtTheHug

    Dog Appreciation Thread, post your fave dog shots here...

    We've been on various adventures over the past few weeks. Skye at the summit windshelter of Sail Mhòr Somewhere on the path to Beinn Airigh Charr Skye and Jasper at summit of Sgùrr a' Mhaoraich Skye above Loch Cuaich
  2. BethAtTheHug

    Dog Appreciation Thread, post your fave dog shots here...

    We had a nice relaxed Saturday outing to the west coast. Coffee and cake from Poolewe, faffed about at Slatterdale and had a stroll round a new circular walk. Skye had many swims in the loch. Skye on a walk at Loch Maree
  3. BethAtTheHug

    Dog Appreciation Thread, post your fave dog shots here...

    Skye on Sunday's walk above Loch Cuaich. Skye, just being Skye
  4. BethAtTheHug

    Linux email client

    Kmail, Evolution - but might be too heavy again. But I'd probably not use VNC try "ssh -X thunderbird" but it might still be slow. RPI pre-5 was pretty dire on the IO and lacked crypto extensions which won't help. More fundamentally, I wouldn't be accessing email like that. I'd use something...
  5. BethAtTheHug

    Dog Appreciation Thread, post your fave dog shots here...

    Went for a walk last sunday (31st) which didn't go entirely to plan. So we took a few photos. Skye being herself Skye, caught her hunting critters Skye in Loch an Doire Crionaich
  6. BethAtTheHug

    The Amazing Sony A1/A7/A9/APS-C & Anything else welcome Mega Thread!

    Yeah, it's not unexpected TBH. Fairy dust would be nice though :) Given the affordable price as well there's a few compromises but I think I can live with them.
  7. BethAtTheHug

    The Amazing Sony A1/A7/A9/APS-C & Anything else welcome Mega Thread!

    Just started reading Dustin Abbots review of it. No OSS is a pity.
  8. BethAtTheHug

    The Amazing Sony A1/A7/A9/APS-C & Anything else welcome Mega Thread!

    I'm after recommendations please: Primary requirements: medium to long telephoto lightweight sub 400g would be good but maybe 500g - tricky I know. good flare resistance Happy with: F4 or slower AF or purely MF adapted fine prime or zoom, as long as good resolution to crop okay use with a...
  9. BethAtTheHug

    Dog Appreciation Thread, post your fave dog shots here...

    Skye on our walk yesterday. a7c08285 20240317 c1
  10. BethAtTheHug

    Dog Appreciation Thread, post your fave dog shots here...

    Skye amongst the Scots pines. a7c08112 20240315 c1 1
  11. BethAtTheHug

    Dog Appreciation Thread, post your fave dog shots here...

    Snap of Skye the other evening whilst messing about. Skye, taken with Olympus 135/3.5
  12. BethAtTheHug

    Loch an Nid walk

    Thanks! Thanks! Lol! Mostly. Overall she's really great but randomly frustrating as hell. We think she came from the islands (Skye, Lewis/etc) as that's where the Inverness rescue get most of the collies from. Usually failed or excess sheep dogs. So she has that crazy herding and limitless...
  13. BethAtTheHug

    Loch an Nid walk

    Thanks! She's a wee border collie and really does love being out.