Recent content by colourofsound

  1. colourofsound

    Beginner Recommend a 35mm camera/system...

    Yup I'd taken that into consideration. I'm interested in any lenses 35mm or wider; they'll work nicely on APS-C. Anything else I get will likely be something like a macro or fisheye; you know for the fun :)
  2. colourofsound

    Beginner Recommend a 35mm camera/system...

    As long as its an interchangeble lens range finder; sure. However I do like the idea of the SLR in so far as its a back-to-roots photography and I think it'll help me understand my digital photography a little better. Plus the general availability of all the aforementioned lenses in the more...
  3. colourofsound

    Beginner Recommend a 35mm camera/system...

    There looks to be some really nice Sigma, Tamron and Hoya lenses (judging by eBay) and theres even a pancake lens all in K mount...
  4. colourofsound

    Beginner Recommend a 35mm camera/system...

    Chiefly I am more interested in the wider angle lenses (anything below 50mm) as they'll be more useful on the Fuji re: crop factor. It seems both have a decent array of lenses in the 26-35mm range. On the contrary, this might help. At the end of the day if there is more availability in K...
  5. colourofsound

    Beginner Recommend a 35mm camera/system...

    Absolutely this - I won't be getting into the weeds for some tim (if at all). The real question is then which system has the better set of lenses? It seems to me in my research that Minolta potentially has generally higher quality, but the SMC coating on Pentax lenses is highly regarded. So at...
  6. colourofsound

    Beginner Recommend a 35mm camera/system...

    So what about the other Minolta X cameras; XG-M, X300, X700 etc etc…
  7. colourofsound

    Beginner Recommend a 35mm camera/system...

    The trouble is I don’t really know how well they’d match with the Fuji. I’d basically narrowed it down to Minolta and Pentax because a) the adapters are about the same size and b) the known issues with the bodies are either rare or easily fixed. However if Minolta is the best fit for a modern...
  8. colourofsound

    Beginner Recommend a 35mm camera/system...

    Because I know you're all dying to know - I'm probably going to get a Minolta X500 or a Pentax KX. I am toying with the idea of a Fujica STX-1 (super cheap) but there aren't as many lenses for that system. Any opinions on the less common systems like Fujica?
  9. colourofsound

    Beginner Recommend a 35mm camera/system...

    I imagine everyone is a little wary to recommend spending a lot upfront for someone like me, who is dabbling at best (for now). Personally for what amounts to £20 per film from purchase to having the scans on my computer, thats not really a massive amount as an occasional expenditure. I really...
  10. colourofsound

    Beginner Recommend a 35mm camera/system...

    Is the Canon LTM thread mount the same as M39? The adapter for Fuji X Mount is very thin; and if theres any way to make a decision on which system to choose thats as good a way as any. I assume this is slightly different to the Leica M mount, the lenses and bodies of which are a little out of...
  11. colourofsound

    Beginner Recommend a 35mm camera/system...

    Is this a hole I want to fall down… :oops: :$
  12. colourofsound

    Beginner Recommend a 35mm camera/system...

    This looks lovely. Theres one on eBay for £25; that is definitely my sort of price! I’m going to shamelessly admit I do want something that looks like this - it’s going to sit on my desk at the end of the day - the more modern ones (like the Pentax z-1 previously mentioned) have a look I am not...
  13. colourofsound

    Beginner Recommend a 35mm camera/system...

    One post I read mentioned that some of these cameras are semi-automatic; in that they can do Aperture Priority. This certainly appeals in a first body; if that helps narrow things down
  14. colourofsound

    Beginner Recommend a 35mm camera/system...

    Hello Fine Film Folk, I am considering dipping my toes into film just for some very light fun. I will most likely just be taking street snapshots and landscape/casual wildlife shots. Also, I am interested in using some 'vintage' lenses with my Fujifilm X-mount APS-C camera (and ideally would...
  15. colourofsound

    Some seabird portraits from Lunga island.........

    No, not quite that coincidental! We were in the island pods on Benmore Estate, which sits between Loch Ba and Loch Na Keal.