Recent content by cw318is

  1. cw318is

    ZD-B gets a polish

    Love this shot, the composition, the colours, the subject - you should email the old flying machine company and ask them if they want a copy of it. The background is just right as well being oof but not quite too much so you can see period buildings. To me, it's screaming out for a B&W version...
  2. cw318is

    An-225 Dream

    They file a flight plan several days in advance and the operator posts on their website where its going. Robin Hood Airport is ex RAF Finningley and has a massive runway (it was an emergency shuttle landing site)
  3. cw318is

    An-225 Dream

    It was taken from a footpath that runs behind walkers. Loads of places to go around DSA!
  4. cw318is

    Flying Scotsman

    Now green! Heard it was going to London today for it's first "proper" Kings Cross - York trip tomorrow, found a departure time from York, looked at a map and thought I might catch it on Bawtry Viaduct. No diesel behind it and just one carriage, but a first for me, and very quiet as well; Flying...
  5. cw318is


    Thats some awesome creativeness going on, with some great results. I can imagine frozen they are incredibly fragile.
  6. cw318is

    Red Arrows Air to Air 4 March 2015

    4 is the one for me, to be really picky could do with a bit of a contrast boost and a smidge of exposure, although it's good work considering it was the dull side. Nice to see your shots again though, and I'll refrain from saying anything about massive watermarks! They are explosive det cords...
  7. cw318is

    Magnets, mobile phones and DSLRs

    If you are really worried, get yourself a little aluminium card case like this one; it's not a wall impenetrable to magnetic fields, but will give a bit of distance between the magnet and the card, they aren't powerful magenets on those enclosures anyway. Whatever you do though, don't put a...
  8. cw318is

    Flying Scotsman on the mainline

    I like these, first one the post isn't really the end of the world and is only over a carriage so doesn't take away too much. Last one is definitely the one although I would have been tempted to clone in some more foliage to hide the cars. Possibly a daft question, but why does it have 502 on...
  9. cw318is

    If you think baiting / staging is bad... This is worse.

    There is a good "artists impression" of what the result would look like; It's absolutely ridiculous though, just why?
  10. cw318is

    AN-124 Ruslan

    Living next door to what was RAF Finningley with its massive runway means we get some rare big cargo stuff in. It was a bit close to the bone in terms of losing the light and the wind must have made the approach exciting! AN-124 UR-82007 on Flickr
  11. cw318is

    My most viewed photo on Flickr yesterday......... Part 2

    This one, 790 - first ever shot in explore :) SE5a by Caleb Whitehead, on Flickr
  12. cw318is

    Flames or no flames?

    Definitely flame, balances the shot so much better without overpowering her. Given that the model has been "weathered" it's just about the right brightness to give good contrast. To really be Lara she needs the pistols though!
  13. cw318is


    Well it's a fitting subject for black and white thats for sure, and you've got a good shot to start with as well. For me, a mono is all about the contrast and imo to get the best out of the shot it could do with a little bit of curve work. Add a bit of depth to the sky and the rocks will start...
  14. cw318is

    Cat @ 15mm

    Eh? the eyes are open? Beautiful cat though, and I think gothgirl is onto something. A bit of high pass filter and burn to make the eyes pop would do wonders, and maybe burn or clone out the tuft or light fur near his/her tail.
  15. cw318is

    flying beluga

    They fly in to Broughton frequently, just outside Chester (between Chester and Deeside). Airbus build things there.