Recent content by D_Fivehundred

  1. D_Fivehundred

    *RESOLVED* Please help - Lightroom Classic wont read/import NEF files

    @Bristolian It was an unusual issue in that I've used Nikon Transfer for so many years without a problem. That said, going forwards I'll definitely transfer (copy) and then delete from the card after I've done so (and backed up to a separate drive). Interesting that you also do your LRc...
  2. D_Fivehundred

    *RESOLVED* Please help - Lightroom Classic wont read/import NEF files

    Well, a few hours have passed since my initial panic, but I now have 1,948 NEF files fully catalogued in Lightroom - phew! I ran some image recovery software (free 1 year licence with a Sandisk SDXC) on the memory card which found all the jpgs and nef files. Imported, renamed and catalogued in...
  3. D_Fivehundred

    *RESOLVED* Please help - Lightroom Classic wont read/import NEF files

    I suspect that's the way I should have been doing it too, although with 15 years without an issue doing it the way I have been I'm not sure why that would suddenly become a problem.
  4. D_Fivehundred

    *RESOLVED* Please help - Lightroom Classic wont read/import NEF files

    I've followed this process for maybe 15 years, but today is the lesson I maybe should have been following all that time
  5. D_Fivehundred

    *RESOLVED* Please help - Lightroom Classic wont read/import NEF files

    I have, for many years, imported images using Nikon Transfer. In doing so, I rename the files 'XXXX_imagenumber', where XXXX is the camera model (my D500 in this case, so we're talking NEF files). Images are imported to a folder on my main hard drive. I then import those images I wish to...
  6. D_Fivehundred

    Beginner Where to store Lightroom Classic catalogue (and how many)

    Thanks everyone, useful info and it's given me some options to think about. I think I need to learn/understand a bit more about the capability of the catalogue. For example, if I set up a catalogue on my C drive and store images on an external drive, it'll find the images when I look in...
  7. D_Fivehundred

    Beginner Where to store Lightroom Classic catalogue (and how many)

    As per the title really. Setting up a new system with Lightroom Classic and I'm looking at storing images on an external SSD. Should I store the catalogue/s on the external drive too, or would it/they be better stored on the C drive? If storing on the external drive, presumably it'll get full...
  8. D_Fivehundred

    First low level trip this year

    Great shots. Could I ask what your setup is? I'm thinking of a run to the hills with my old man at some point but I'm not sure what gear we'd need.
  9. D_Fivehundred

    Military aircraft in flight - Shooting at the Mach Loop

    My Dad has suggested we take a trip to the Mach Loop one day. I've seen some of the excellent shots people have taken and I think if we achieved something even half as good we'd be happy. Apart from doing our homework as to what days/times are the best, I thought I'd better ask about...
  10. D_Fivehundred

    So iPad 2 or 3....

    I have an O2 iPhone and use the personal hotspot bolt-on. For £2 per month I get an extra 500mb of data to use on any wifi enabled device. We use it on the wife's iPad an I use it on my netbook when I'm on the train, works for me :)
  11. D_Fivehundred

    So iPad 2 or 3....

    I'd like to know where everyone is getting there iPad 3 from... according to Apple it's either the iPad 2 or the "new iPad". I can't see an iPad 3 anywhere ;) Seriously though, a friend of mine got his "new iPad" on release day and when we compared the screen to my wife's iPad 2 there was a...
  12. D_Fivehundred

    Leadenhall Market HDR

    Nice work, not too excessive as some can be. No 2 is great!
  13. D_Fivehundred

    Smoke Girl

    Great capture and one that could be impossible to repeat :)
  14. D_Fivehundred

    Civil engineers at work

    I hope the person holding the staff was rocking it forwards and backwards...? First shot works best for me, its got a library image feel to it :)
  15. D_Fivehundred

    My shiny birthday present (product shot)

    Excellent. I trust it's a fixie...? Will you get much use over the Winter? Love the wall too, ideal for a few portrait shots1