Recent content by DCFlix

  1. DCFlix

    NIK Silver Efex

    ah apologies, I didn't realise it was the video. David
  2. DCFlix

    NIK Silver Efex

    Could you re-post, I can't fine them, when I try to reinstall it says I need a better version of my OS :(
  3. DCFlix

    Coffee Roasters

    I documented a couple of visits to a local coffee roaster. The visits were 5 years apart and it was really interesting to see how far things have developed ; First real trip out with the X-T5, I am on the learning curve again...
  4. DCFlix

    Star Wars... and other toys

    These are great, love the clarity and realness.
  5. DCFlix

    Flickr Users - Post your Explored Photos

    Well, that didn't work, how do you embed Flickr photos?
  6. DCFlix

    Flickr Users - Post your Explored Photos

    Slieve Doan by {FlixelPix} David, on Flickr
  7. DCFlix

    NIK Silver Efex

    Brilliant, Thanks everyone. DC
  8. DCFlix

    Nifty Fifty Week 2022 Discussion Thread

    I did a post cover 35 photos I shot with the Fujifilm 35mm lens which melts my head when that equates closer to 50mm on full frame. I always wonder why there isn't just a standard field of view scale. Like, lenses for cropped sensors list as their equivalent. Love this idea though, 50mm was the...
  9. DCFlix

    NIK Silver Efex

    Hi all, I remember a few years ago buying Nik Silver Efex, I think Google then made it a free app. Now it appears to have reverted to a paid app again... Has anyone any experience of trying to get a license re-established or are we forced to re-purchase? DC
  10. DCFlix

    The Fabulous Fuji X owners thread

    The X-Pro2 is a class camera. It probably offers much more than the X100T or F to be fair.
  11. DCFlix

    The Fabulous Fuji X owners thread

    Despite my X-T5 arriving I was out with the X100V and pro-mist this week. Love that little camera.
  12. DCFlix

    The Fabulous Fuji X owners thread

    Enjoy it, I am really impressed so far. I hope you feel better soon.
  13. DCFlix

    Finder only shows RAF icon instead of thumbnail image

    I think if you have an app that read the files (regardless of OS) the icon will display as the app that supports? It's a pain though.
  14. DCFlix

    The Fabulous Fuji X owners thread

    Well, after a delay, I am happy to say ... my latest chapter has arrived.
  15. DCFlix

    The Fabulous Fuji X owners thread

    You will get used to it, it's a great little camera. I was involved in the original launch... love the panos and film simulation options.