Recent content by Doireach

  1. Doireach

    A pinhole for a pinhole camera.

    If you google <laser pinhole uk> or just search <pinhole> in eBay, limiting the field to "cameras..." etc. you will find quite a few makers/suppliers.
  2. Doireach

    How to separate negatives stuck together

    Resizing a picture: the simplest option. If you have Windows 10 or 11, there's an app called Photos. Using Windows Explorer, find the file you want to resize. Right-click on it, select "Open with..." and select Photos in the resulting drop-down menu. Your picture will open, with various options...
  3. Doireach

    New old film challenge #235 - Path

    Legananny Dolmen, 1 Feb. 2020. Leica IIIf, Summaron+yellow filter. XP2 Super developed in Ilfotec HC.
  4. Doireach

    WCMUT....what cheered me up today

    52-55 step ring arrived (several days early).
  5. Doireach

    A bit of fun - WORDLE. (NB, US spelling!) No spoilers please

    5 here. Must practise.
  6. Doireach

    Sunny so tried the Ilford PHOENIX 200 again -

    You've managed the colours really well: my first roll was all over the place and I haven't dared try the second yet.