Recent content by fujilover

  1. fujilover

    Why is the Nikon D4s performance so good despite only being 16 megapixel..

    You should have gone to spec savers or buy a better screen, the d850 files are considerably more detailed. Night and day better
  2. fujilover

    Ebayer- Classic_photography_uk

    Ebay sucks, i sold a food mixer and the buyer opened a case like 6 or 7 weeks later saying that it was not working and ebay actually forced me to refund them. They literally always side with the buyer so make sure to photograph serial numbers and any distinctive marks on it.
  3. fujilover

    Getting over my prime snobbery

    I love good zooms, some of the better 70-200 ans 24-70 lenses have very good image quality
  4. fujilover

    Mirrorless "shutter count" when buying used

    Have a good look at the camera, regardless of any shutter count figure someone throws at you a well used camera usually has tell tale signs. And a camera owned by someone who did not care about the equipment is even more obvious. I try to buy ones that still look near mint condition with the...
  5. fujilover

    20MP FF vs 20MP M43

    If you compare the dpreview ISO test results side by side at RAW 25600, you can clearly see the 5D MK 3 easily wins though. Still it shows m43 is not much more than a stop off though, although they are from different release dates.
  6. fujilover

    SD Card supplier recommendation

  7. fujilover

    Beginner Nikon D50... good for beginner?

    ok to learn with
  8. fujilover

    Hurdles how difficult are photos like this?

    yes it is possible to get a good sequence of sports shots with a 7d mk 2
  9. fujilover

    Canon EOS R Series Cameras

    anyone know of a free shutter count checker for the eor r cameras. i tried a bunch of them and they dont seem to work I wish camera companies would just show it in the menus
  10. fujilover

    Z8 vs Z6 high iso noise

    DXOMARK scores the Z6 in its ISO test 3299 Z8 2548 While these test only tell you how they do in one specific test, i have always found that the higher they score here, the better ISO capability i observed in real use.
  11. fujilover

    Beginner Blown out skies and how best to handle it.

    use filters if possible, and if you have mirrorless then expose the sky so that it is almost blowing out but not quite
  12. fujilover

    Phone camera why not?

    they dont have the sensor size, they certainly dont have the manual controls and they dont have high iso capability. there are ALOT of they dont have that i could list but im too lazy to list it all :)
  13. fujilover

    Canon 40D or 50D as first DSLR

    the 40d was my first enthusiast grade camera and the controls, viewfinder and build quality were much better than the lower range cameras i had before it. interestingly they are better made than modern cameras, they really built them like tanks back then and seem to have been trying to cut...
  14. fujilover

    Source for replacement Nikon D780 rubber grips

    fixation i think they are called
  15. fujilover

    Beginner Is a nifty fifty really better than a kit lens?

    depends what lenses and what the user wants. Everyone has to make their own choice