Recent content by gogleddwr

  1. G

    Churches-An open thread

    St Cybi's, Holyhead, from my archives and Howard
  2. G

    Churches-An open thread

    St Mary's, Lymm Howard
  3. G

    Does anyone still use cheap, compact P&S cameras?

    Saturday evening we had a short walk along the towpath at Little Bollington. I thought I'd try out the IXUS in bright evening sunshine. and Bess, a lovely 12yr old collie, who decided to befriend us as long as I threw her her ball. All blown highlights I'm afraid! And awful shadows...
  4. G

    Pic(s) you took today - an open thread

    Hi Keith, sorry can't say what the building is as I'm trying to work out the direction you are shooting, the building on the hill looks to me like a church and I'm scraping the bottom of my memory , going back 30+ years to remember the big churches round there. I'd be interested to learn what...
  5. G

    Pic(s) you took today - an open thread

    Hi, Did you manage to find a way to keep them away? If you did I'd be most interested to learn what you as we have the same problem, but not just the jackdaws but also magpies and jays, i.e. all the corvids! Thanks in advance, Howard
  6. G

    Does anyone still use cheap, compact P&S cameras?

    Re-reading this thread, it inspired me to dig out my gift IXUS860 and got these results from the garden and Not greatly impressed I must say! Howard
  7. G

    Pic(s) you took today - an open thread

    Through the kitchen window Is this a young crow or a young rook (because of its pale beak)? Howard
  8. G

    Pic(s) you took today - an open thread

    From this morning's amble. Chives Hedgerow cranesbill and a thick legged beetle and two horses Howard
  9. G

    Pic(s) you took today - an open thread

    This morning in the garden (I, too, am in a rut, yet again!!) A swinging corvid and a cornflowere Howard
  10. G

    B&W Let's see your Black and White photos

    This was converted in Photoshop so does it qualify for inclusion here Taken with a Canon G10. Howard
  11. G

    Pic(s) you took today - an open thread

    A stroll in the garden, some tulips. This first one with iPhone 10 and the other two with my old Pentax K5 and even older Pentax 55-300mm Howard
  12. G


    Lovely images. Don't see many round here any more.
  13. G

    Great Crested Grebe

    Lovely. Somewhere on the island again?
  14. G

    It's/she's back!!

    The Great Spotted Woodpecker, after nearly 12 months. Cheered us up. In the back garden. Howard
  15. G

    The Good Old Days

    The Goon Show Educating Archie Take It From Here Round the Horn and Beyond Our Ken and 3 up 2 down Toilet in the corner of the garden, only a cold tap in the house, coal fires etc. School dinners Life in the 40's and 50's Then, early 60's, University digs, no such thing as living in a...