Recent content by hunnymonster

  1. hunnymonster


    A 1923 Gillette Bostonian, paired with Gillette SuperThin blades (for the Thai market, picked up a few thousand at Mustafa's in Singapore- now there's an institution!)
  2. hunnymonster

    Shaver sockets

    It's the isolating transformer that buzzes - whether you use the 110 or 230v side... As for when the regulations were last revised 2018 (with 2 subsequent amendments)
  3. hunnymonster

    Canon EOS R Series Cameras

    Any R6mkII owners - firmware 1.4.0 has been released. EOS R6 Mark II Firmware Version 1.4.0 6th June 2024 Firmware Version 1.4.0 incorporates the following fixes and enhancements: 1. Increases [No. of shots] in [Interval timer] up to 9999. 2. Adds [FEM] to [Flash C.Fn settings]. Also, adds...
  4. hunnymonster

    Thoughts on the Canon R8

    Alternative interpretation "Sigma, Tamron et al are declining to license the specification for the mount"
  5. hunnymonster

    Any experts on sound here?

    Not an expert but gunshots tend to be a spectrum of frequencies - peaking between approx (very) 125Hz & about 2.5-3kHz - searching for something like "shotgun sound histogram" might get you somewhere
  6. hunnymonster

    Painting on Cardboard - Modern Art?

    According to the well known art historians Brian & Michael in their seminal 1978 biography of LS Lowry - he was said to paint his gritty northern townscapes on cardboard boxes gathered from local retail establishments. That would have been the 1930s at a guess.
  7. hunnymonster

    Electricity meter inspection

    Usually it's IEEE 802.15.4 (aka ZigBee)
  8. hunnymonster

    Electricity meter inspection

    Whoever told you that is talking errant nonsense. They all rely on radio communication (Southern half is on 2G mobile, northern half an Arqiva IOT network)- that will have better chance of working than those where the meter is in a cellar. The fact that none of the installers are trained on...
  9. hunnymonster

    Dealing with badgers

    Echo @Gav. - I've had them running full pelt towards me (I was just standing there on a badger pad (path) wondering what actually made that particular path...) - became aware of me at the last second (18" from my toe end) & essentially make a snap 90° left turn. The key is not to corner them...
  10. hunnymonster

    The GAS confessional - all who suffer are welcome. :)

    Use an adaptor for now - what lenses do you have now that you use most and "need" to replace? Or that you need something different to augment? Only you can decide what you "need". "Need" because none of ever has a biological imperative to acquire a lens...
  11. hunnymonster

    The GAS confessional - all who suffer are welcome. :)

    It's not about missing them now though... I've suitably jinxed it forever (or as long as I own the lens)
  12. hunnymonster

    The GAS confessional - all who suffer are welcome. :)

    Apologies to anyone living between Edinburgh, Carlisle, Newcastle & Berwick-upon-Tweed hoping to see an aurora ever again. I've bought a 16mm f/2.8 lens, so that should be the end of that forever in that area.
  13. hunnymonster

    Electricity meter inspection

    Isn't periodic meter replacement also a condition of the licence under which the DNOs act?
  14. hunnymonster

    Wild Red Footed Falcon

    There was one in Northumberland in 2023
  15. hunnymonster

    Filming in public places

    Voila. Within 2 seconds of googling "Photography policy NHS England" I get many repeats of this (or paraphrased): "All film crews and photographers must be accompanied by a member of Trust staff at all times. No patients or staff are to be filmed without consent. Patients are required to fill...