Recent content by Ste_S

  1. S

    Official Talk Leica thread

    Leica M5, Zeiss Biogon 35 2.8, Kodak Portra
  2. S

    BBC 4: The Great British Photography Challenge

    I preferred the Sky Arts series, it had better photographers. Most of the ones on this could have done with Toscani putting a rocket up their arse. Is Rankin normally this generous with his criticism? There was some terrible photos he was very polite with.
  3. S

    Nikon F801 & 50mm 1.8d Advice

    Just to double check, where are you seeing the 'E' ? If on the bottom right of the top plate LCD, that means there's a film problem. Either no film, it's wound back into the can or you haven't loaded it properly. If FEE appears in the aperture display, that means you're trying to shoot in...
  4. S

    Why do people love the Holga so much ?

    Fudge know why the internet is so bad at having discussion about photography itself other than gearhead discussions. Is anyone on any painting forums? Do they just around talking about paints rather than paintings?
  5. S

    Are photographers losing out to videographers?

    If you want a cheaper stills camera, buy older cameras? Unless you have a specific niche, digital stills tech has matured for the majority. Video tech is still advancing and is of course the headline on new cameras.
  6. S

    Selling up / Moving to Nikon Z series

    Different opinion, sounds like a bit of GAS. Keep your current gear and use it when you get a break from family life for a bit of me time. Get something like the Fuji X100 series as an everyday camera (or just use your phone) for taking pics of your growing family.
  7. S

    New Developing Service?

    Judging by reading their home page, this. Someone who got out of his depth and suffered a mental health crisis as a result with others (parents?) stepping in to help out. Feel quite sorry for him and his family. All that for seemingly £60 a day (minus costs).
  8. S

    Street? Photography.

    Some things to keep in mind. Most of the great street photography was done in large cities, especially New York and Tokyo. Most of the great street photography was done in a time past when people interacted on the streets and different tribes existed rather than today's homogenous look. So how...
  9. S

    Anyone else interested in the New Topographic Movement?

    That's a very narrow definition of photography. Personally, I have a more expansive view than that.
  10. S

    Anyone else interested in the New Topographic Movement?

    A couple of other 'zine/small book publishers I've spotted that may be of interest
  11. S

    Anyone else interested in the New Topographic Movement?

    Our Forbidden Land definitely would do, a great book way ahead of its time.
  12. S

    Anyone else interested in the New Topographic Movement?

    My copy of Myrkvifiord by John Irvine turned up today, with a nice handwritten thank you from Ian Sarjeant. Book itself is great, and just what I'd been after. Someone doing similar work to Alec Soth et al, but shot in the UK. I also like that it's small and paperback, my book shelf can only...
  13. S

    Questions about exposing colour negative film

    I don't think I've ever had colour shifts with Ektar, but I have blown highlights in high contrast scenes which I haven't done when any other colour neg. The latitude of Ektar is more forgiving than E6, but it ain't Portra (and what is).
  14. S

    Anyone else interested in the New Topographic Movement?

    Quite. I find the majority of bird photos boring and hdr landscapes vomit inducing. Love banalography though.
  15. S

    Anyone else interested in the New Topographic Movement?

    Cheers for that. I'm aware of Peter Mitchell, but his stuff is too nostalgic for my tastes. Ian Sarjeant I'm not aware of, but his stuff looks right up my street. Went down the Google hole with Ian Serjaent to his publisher (Another Place), and all of his books look to be sold out sadly. Came...