Recent content by VirtualAdept

  1. VirtualAdept

    A400M Atlas Coming in to Land

    My brother in law is active on them, we got to mess about in one for an hour for my sons birthday. The little add-on shelf to fix the slight incline costs about £1500 apiece
  2. VirtualAdept

    A400M Atlas Coming in to Land

    Oh mate, that second one is a cracker, love that. Pointless fact about these planes - when in level flight the nose is actually slightly downward pointing, meaning the flat surface in the cockpit aint flat... so the tea slides away from the pilots.
  3. VirtualAdept

    Boeing C-17A Globemaster III

    Wow, never get that sort of opportunity here. Particularly like the second one
  4. VirtualAdept

    Parkrun Photographer

    I've done it a couple of times, hardest part is walking up to the other volunteers first thing
  5. VirtualAdept

    Music which moves you

    Not long after my brother died I heard a song called 'Watching over me' by the Kris Barras Band. Its so distressingly apt for the situation I was in, and, despite being a big, burly bloke, I have no shame in admitting that tears rolled when I heard it live last year.
  6. VirtualAdept

    Critique The Old Blue School, Isleworth

    Did you have to do much colour correction to this? I'm wondering if Ektachrome looks this gorgeous out of the box or if you had to fix it
  7. VirtualAdept

    Lina Bessenova did the X-ray/CT airport scanner experiments with film you've always wanted...

    For those concerned about it, she's also released the video on youtube on her channel
  8. VirtualAdept

    Horror in Brentwood !

    Wow, look at those colours, incredibly vibrant. Always enjoy your work Peter, thank you for sharing
  9. VirtualAdept

    First time in film - Lone tree in Malham

    Ya know, I LOATHE HP5 in 35mm, but I'm growing fonder and fonder of it in 120. I wonder what developer they used. Thats my sort of photo, I've got a worrying amount of tree against sky photos, though I have more of benches lol
  10. VirtualAdept


    Ah damn, I'm gonna have to get one now. Thank you for documenting the build and whatnot. I know I could find it on yoochoob but I find it more relatable when its someone of a shared community
  11. VirtualAdept


    It looks fiddly as balls lol. I think I'd end up chucking it across the table, my lad however, I reckon he'd be great at that
  12. VirtualAdept


    There's a few videos on the old yoochoob good sir
  13. VirtualAdept


    Would you let us know what its like to build and use? I've been umming and ahhhhing about getting one for years now
  14. VirtualAdept


    I used to like the epson software til I moved to a newer mac and couldn't use it, so stick to vuescan now
  15. VirtualAdept


    Last night I spotted on freecycle an Epson V700. Figured it would be long gone but took a punt and two hours later, I had the beasty in my possession. Little bit of what looks to be fungus (but not etching in like in lenses), it had no cables (but takes the same power adapter as my V500) and has...