Recent content by wilt

  1. wilt

    Massive aurora alert for tonight!

    Nipped out to the back garden.
  2. wilt

    Where do all the MegaPixels go ?

    Sometimes getting "a better image in the first place" would mean getting closer or a longer lens. Getting closer with wildlife isn't easy and getting a longer lens that's good quality costs multiples of the camera it'll be attached to. I have the opinion, that if someone doesn't need those...
  3. wilt

    Nikon Z* mirrorless

    Nikon UK have the EN-EL15C down to £50.99. Using Unidays you get a further 20% off. Just got two for £77.98
  4. wilt

    Nikon Z* mirrorless

    I use the Z8 and Nikon Z 70-200mm S. I find they're a fantastic combination with no drawbacks that I've encountered. With the 1.4tc it's still a great performer, I've heard it's probably the best lens for use with the 2.0tc.
  5. wilt

    Nikon Z* mirrorless

    The latest long primes from Nikon are f6.3, so it's this new lenses drop in image quality and f8 that's going to make getting sharp, low noise images, that isolate the subject more difficult. Not impossible by any means, just difficult, especially on poor light conditions.
  6. wilt

    Nikon Z* mirrorless

    It's a lens for someone, but not myself. Obviously cost and focal range is going to be the big attraction for some, thinking a one lens for all situations. That f8 at half its focal length is gonna impact/limit use and images out of it, especially for UK weather and moving subjects. I'll stick...
  7. wilt

    Nikon Z* mirrorless

    Beautiful set of images.
  8. wilt

    Nikon Z* mirrorless

    If I was in your situation and had the funds, I would purchase a Z6II or even better, wait for the "soon" to be expected Z6III. Any lens I had, worked as expected via the FTZ adapter on my Z6 and Z7II. Although some have reported problems with certain 3rd party lenses.
  9. wilt

    Nikon Z* mirrorless

    I use the Nikon MH-34, works well.
  10. wilt

    Nikon Z* mirrorless

    Buy her one too!
  11. wilt

    Nikon Z* mirrorless

    24-120 and my Z8 are practically inseperable, it's taken the place of my 24-70 f2.8.
  12. wilt

    Nikon Z* mirrorless

    Nice setup at the show. Both Zf and Voigtlander look to perform well together.
  13. wilt

    Nikon Z* mirrorless

    In the menu, or when the shutter/bbf is pressed the image will stabilise.
  14. wilt

    Nikon Z* mirrorless

    Doing it at reduced fps is totally acceptable in my books. Say it pre-captures at 10fps RAW and if you have 20fps RAW selected, it jumps to that when the shutter is pressed. It has the bandwidth to implement it in some form.
  15. wilt

    Nikon Z* mirrorless

    There's many features that are surplus to my requirements, but pre-capture RAW is one feature that the flagship should definitely have. So I can see why many people are annoyed when it's bypassed by each firmware release.