
  1. RobC

    Enlarging - Is there a way that a 6x8 negative can be printed on an enlarger that is spec'd\designed as a 6x7?

    Is it possible to print a 6x8 negative on an enlarger with an official max spec\carrier of 6x7? Is there a 'cheat' or way to stretch it? I currently have an LPL C7700 and hope to use a 6x8 film back on a Mamiya RB67... Thanks
  2. L

    Where to purchase Pentax 67 UK October 2017

    Hello, I'm new to this website and rather new to buying second-hand cameras. I am currently on the search for a Pentax 67. I have tried various sites already such as Ffordes, West Yorkshire Cameras and eBay to name a few. First of all I am a bit sceptical of using eBay as a lot of the Pentax 67...
  3. schpleep

    B&W Missed it by a day...

    ...the February architecture category that is. Ah well... here're three of the shots of the local gunpowder mills from last week. I was going to make the final selection from this lot if yesterday hadn't been so busy :/ 1. 2. 3.
  4. schpleep

    Frosty 6x7

    Sometimes it's just good to get out and finish off that roll of film... (Pentax 6x7 45mm f4, Pan F 50, stand processed 1hr Tetenal Paranol S 1:100, scanned and tweaked in LR) 1. Godalming across the river 2. Getting the obligatory B&W pylon shot out of the way early this year 2a. BTS 3...
  5. Kei

    SOC National in Pembrey

    SOC being saab owners club. What with the mamiya RZ67 being my favourite camera, it almost always goes with me to events like these. Funnily enough, it garnered more attention than the cars. These were all shot on Rollei Retro 80S using the 65mm f4 and a yellow filter. Dev was D76 1+1 @ 20...