
  1. Michael Sewell

    Copy Me Lighting Thread #23 - Strawberry Splash!

    This image was developed for use with the food photography side of the business and has become quite widely recognised since we started using it a few years ago. The spoon was clamped to a lightstand out of frame to the left, ensuring there was a stable target for the strawberry. (Note: By...
  2. Michael Sewell

    Copy Me Lighting Thread #22 - Fumbling in the Dark

    This was a very simple, but effective setup. The image was taken quite late in the evening and in darkness. All light is provided by off-camera flash, and the downside was having to setup by touch in the dark. We had a solitary LED torch, which helped, but it took a great deal longer to setup...
  3. Michael Sewell

    Copy Me Lighting Thread #19 - Feeding The Eyes

    Food photography depends very much on good light, and yet the textures and shapes can respond extremely well to quite a simple lighting setup. Whether I'm shooting on location in a restaurant, or in a studio for Getty Images, my lighting setup tends to be similar. I'm particularly careful to...
  4. Michael Sewell

    Copy Me Lighting Thread #18 - Lighting the Bat!

    This image was from a shoot at the tail end of summer '15. Basically, we wanted to create a cinematic look, with the hallmarks of the DC comic hero's stomping ground. A number of things were needed, such as an interesting sky, although not necessarily a sunset. A good overcast sky, with lots of...
  5. david357

    Movement in dance 2.

    Dance with Rach by david357 on Talk Photography Different technique this time, Rachel again, and testing the stroboscopic effect of the Lencarta Atom 360, which worked faultlessly and delivered the goods!
  6. Michael Sewell

    Copy Me Lighting Thread 17 - Meet the Team

    This was part of a series of teamshots for a BMW Mini dealership. With the BMW teams, all headshots had to be on white, and the group or teamshots had to be “corporate or business like”, where as, due to the perceived nature of the Mini being fun, the teamshots had more scope. The interior of...