
  1. bryanpereira

    Giraffe kiss - portrait

    Going through my old giraffe safari files and came across this one with a mum and daughter. Quite happy with the angle and lighting which is often an issue with giraffe portraits. D810 200 to 400 f4 400mm 1/800 f5.6 iso 100 oct 2014 photo safari
  2. Dan Harris

    Wildlife Triptych

    WILDLIFE-TRYP1 by Dan Harris posted Aug 27, 2018 at 11:36 AM Hi all! I would really appreciate it if anyone is able to help me with a questions I have. Could this picture be classed as a 'Triptych'? Although there are three separate images on one canvas, it is difficult to make out the borders...
  3. Lefrash

    Beginner macro safari!

    If you havent seen my other posts then I'll explain; I'm new to photography and I've got very 'consumer level' equipment. I got an old nikon d80 and a random lens off ebay for a reasonable price. I really fancied learning how to get super close up photography. I've watched about 8 hours of...