
  1. cptnm

    Cptnm's 52 - Week 7 - Through a window

    Week 1 - Food (soon) This week started with good intentions, but it's going to have to end with some creativity 01 - Food by M R, on Flickr
  2. E

    The TP 52 - 2025 Ecniv - TP 52 2025 - A place to comment on it all

    ...and to say "Where did it all go wrong..?"
  3. kh_42

    weekly kh_42 - 52/2021 - Weeks 11-13 added!

    Week 0: Nearby For the sake of ease, adding direct links to everything here: Week 1: Fruit Week 2: Dirty Week 3: Stone Week 4: Tall Week 5: Snapper's Choice Week 6: Pair Week 7: (Depict a) Film Week 8: Half Week 9: Reflection Week 10: Rough Week 11: Smooth Week 12: Alive Week 13: Easter
  4. B

    weekly Boots' 52 for 2021

    My first 52 week challenge. Hopefully I will get past January. Techniques ( wait for them to be drawn) Abstract Multiple Exposure Panorama Panning Filling the Frame Framing Free Lensing Leading Lines / Shapes. light & shade Monochrome Motion blur Mirrored Wide Angle Low Light Negative space...
  5. GarethB

    weekly GarethB's 52 challenge for 2020 - Week 4 - Discarded

    "I know what you're thinking....'Did he shoot 52 photographs or only 51?'" "Well to tell the truth, I kinda forgot myself in all this excitement!" "So you've got to ask yourself one question...'Do I feel lucky?'" :snaphappy: Clicky Contents. Week 1 - Local Interest - Silhouette TECHNIQUE -...
  6. karate-ka

    Ians 52

    Week 2 - https://www.talkphotography.co.uk/threads/ians-52.690292/post-8352072Clean This is my attempt at the 52 challenge, hopefully i will be able to do most weeks and improve me photography as a result.
  7. FlyPhot

    weekly FlyPhot's 52 for 2019 Thread - Week 52 'Out-Take (and finished)' Added

    First post, one of the first shots with my 'new' (to me) Lee Big Stopper: Bucks Mills Beach 2
  8. GarethB

    weekly GarethB's 52 challenge for 2019 - Week 51 & 52 - CHRISTMASSY & OUTTAKES - FINISHED!

    This is my 52, there are many like it, but this one is mine... Clicky Linky Contents Week 1 - NEW - Link Week 2 - CLEAN - Link Week 3 - OPEN - Link Week 4 - DISTANT - Link Week 5 - COLD - Link Week 6 - WAITING - Link Week 7 - ROUGH - Link Week 8 - OBJECT - Link Week 9 - WET - Link Week 10 -...
  9. seaodyssey

    weekly Seaodyssey's 52ers for 2018 Week51 Party

    Oh well, here we go, nowt to lose and all that. Pete
  10. dmb

    weekly dmb's 52 for 2018 (Wk 30 - Cook) and over and out.

    Getting ready again - This year main aim (apart from posting on theme and on time) is to comment on a minimum of 10% of each weeks entries. To this end I have a rota for all 62 (minus me) of you (as of 17 Jan) and you will get a visit at least once every 7 weeks. Unless I see something that so...
  11. V

    v16ben's Project 52 for 2018

    I've been trying to get back into photography for ages, and I've decided on a '52' as the vehicle to do it. I did 2 consecutive 365s in 2010-11, but felt that was just too much commitment to do again. I'm not doing the TP traditional 52 though as I'm doing this one with my mum. She recently got...
  12. saxton-mac

    weekly saxton-mac's TP52 2017 - Wk 30 onward.

    Well... here goes. First attempt... VEHICLE TP52 - Vehicle by Dan Saxton-McCabe, on Flickr