120 negative slide for enlarger

Ekimeno just acquired that enlarger.
I don't know for sure, but I think its called a 3500 because it only does 35mm.
Enlargers capable of enlarging M/F negs generally have 75/80mm enlarging lens and a much taller post.
I dunno if you even found a 120 carrier, whether this enlarger could do even a small enlargement with a 50mm lens and short post :shrug:
Yes, this enlarger only does 35mm film with a maximum print size of 8x10. Also, the light is best for mono prints, though can do colour as well... so I've read.
If you could fit a 120 neg under the enlarger it would work but you'd only get a circle in the middle of the negative to project onto the paper. To print medium format you need a longer lens (usually 75-80mm) and a medium format diffuser (if your enlarger uses one) to get an even spread of light across the negative.