120mm negative and developing

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im new to all this so just a quick question,

im using 120mm slide film, and its hard and expensive to develop, but ive heard that there are websites where you can buy 120mm negative film with the price of development included and when the films been shot you can send it back to be developed. the only problem is i cant find anywhere that does this!

anyone know of any websites that provide this?
Y'know, for a minute there I thought I was going mental

I would have sworn on my mothers life I'd just posted in this thread, that there must have been a disturbance in the Space/Time continuance and it was swallowed by a black hole.

Y'know, for a minute there I thought I was going mental

I would have sworn on my mothers life I'd just posted in this thread, that there must have been a disturbance in the Space/Time continuance and it was swallowed by a black hole.


The entire universe is spinning around a 27km tunnel somewhere on the French/Swiss border where it's continuously Wednesday the 10th of September 2008. Tough. :banana:
I think some of the Kodak films on www.7dayshop.com are sold with processing included. Not sure whether these ares lide or print film, as i'm sticking to Fuji and Ilford for the time being.

As yes, its expensive - i've another 2 rolls of 120 to send off to peak imaging - £15 each includign high res scan to CD. £1 a frame :(

I've toyed with the idea of doing the B&W myself using the Paterson tank, but i'd be forking out about £50 for a tank, changing bag and initial chemicals. I'd then have to buy a scanner so thats another wedge of dosh gone. Until i know i've got enough use out of the MF camera i'll keep paying someone else to do the work.
Ever thought of doing your own processing?

I do my own E6 (3 step) process and cost just under £1 per roll.

Processor will cost around £150 to £200 for a basic 2nd hand Jobo system. Chemicals approx £50 enough for 60 x 35mm or 120 films

Just don't have the volume of film at present to warrant the cost of buying developing kit, or the space and time to be honest :(
im new to all this so just a quick question,

im using 120mm slide film, and its hard and expensive to develop, but ive heard that there are websites where you can buy 120mm negative film with the price of development included and when the films been shot you can send it back to be developed. the only problem is i cant find anywhere that does this!

anyone know of any websites that provide this?

dont want to be picky ,,,but ,,,,120mm ?? and is it slide ?( didnt know they did it ) or negative ??
Yeah 120 slide film is still very popular. I even used to use 4"x5" and 8"x10" sheet up until recently.

Oops just misread that Donutagain, 120mm !!!!
that was kind of a two part thing Trev ,,,,,didnt know you could get 120 slides ,,,as for the 120mm bit ,,well yes i think i know what was meant . i bet the big slides are something else !
120 slide is all I've shot for the past 6 months, nearly every photo I've posted is Velvia 100F.
You can have them mounted in the same way they mount 35mm slide film, but you'd need a 120 instead of 35mm projector to view them.
