2021, Review of the Year


The other Chris
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Despite the limitations of 2021 there has been some great photography on the forum over the year and It seems timely to offer our thanks for your continuing support for Talk Photography, there is too much quality content for this to be a comprehensive review of the year but we thought we would highlight a few things that caught our eye over the last year. Thanks to everyone who has posted during the year and contributed to the great range of photography, activities, expert help and chatter that make this such a good place to hang out.

Top posters
Not counting staff, here are the top 10 posters this year
@woof woof 3675 @Lez325 3649 @nandbytes 3609 @Nod 3148 @G.K.Jnr. 3040 @ancient_mariner 2690 @justpix 2392 @Retune 2308 @Harlequin565 1955

And most likes
@G.K.Jnr. 9066 @Nod 5203 @Lez325 5076 @the black fox 3381 @garryknight 3283 @FishyFish 3242 @ancient_mariner 3192 @justpix 3184 @sphexx 3009 @Gremlin 2982

Thanks to everyone who organised a challenge, swap, meet up, or other activity including...
@Harlequin565 - zine swap
@dmb - disposable camera challenge
@tijuana taxi - print swap
@Baloo - 50 in 50 challenge

Thanks to everyone who has taken time to help other members and particularly to those who have freely given the benefit of their decades of professional experience including @Garry Edwards, @Scooter and @Terry Woodenpic
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Macro, in no particular order and another genre with so much great photography



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Nicely collated Chris. (y)
Who would you like to thank or highlight? Feel free to post below
Good selection of photos, and as Mike above said, from areas I never look at either. I appreciate the effort that went into making this selection. Contrary to what might be expected of me, it was the sport (as well as the creative) that impressed me most.

As a purely personal opinion, the people whose photos I most look forward to are PentaxPete and Fishyfish
Great job there Chris. And I echo your sentiment with regard to the contributions and talent on display in the forums.
Who would you like to thank or highlight? Feel free to post below
I guess it would be remiss not to thank @lindsay @sirch and @Cobra for arranging a smooth handover of reins and also for volunteering to keep this place going when it could have easily been lost to the mists of time. There are always lots more "guests" on the site (not sure how many are bots - currently 52 members, 174 guests) than registered members, which would indicate lots of Google searches landing here for information on photography topics.

Also @Cobra and @LC2 for the work on the annual 52 challenge as well as those who take part, and manage to get round commenting on everyone no matter whether they themselves receive comments - @Bebop, @SimonH, @FlyPhot , @-Oy-, @ShinySideUp, @HelenC and @Boots to name but a few.

That selection of images, I'm guessing, took more than a few minutes to put together... That's a job I wouldn't want but it's a really nice showcase.
Firstly a massive thanks to @Cobra @sirch and @lindsay for keeping this place going when I thought it was going to disappear forever! Also to the other staff members, moderators keeping the boards in check. I've been here 12 years in April, basically since my photographic journey began, and whilst I wouldn't call myself a prolific poster I do come here every day and have a quiet mooch about.

The selection of images above are incredible and I feel quite humbled to have one of mine included, but especially images from the boards I don't really venture into as all I really do is landscapes and that's all that really interests me....this year I'll make more of an effort to check out other genres though.

Just like to say thanks to all the members who make this place what it is, as I've personally taken a lot from here over the years and a lot of it has helped me develop (see what I did there?!) into the photographer I am today!

I guess it would be remiss not to thank @lindsay @sirch and @Cobra for arranging a smooth handover of reins and also for volunteering to keep this place going when it could have easily been lost to the mists of time.

Firstly a massive thanks to @Cobra @sirch and @lindsay for keeping this place going when I thought it was going to disappear forever!
Thanks both that is very much appreciated.
And as I have mentioned elsewhere, a big thanks to everyone, for their support during the take over, and their continuing support by posting comments, images etc.
After all this forum would be nothing without you guys and gals.

That selection of images, I'm guessing, took more than a few minutes to put together... That's a job I wouldn't want but it's a really nice showcase.
We the staff have been voting for our favourites, over the past several months, and Chris @sirch has been collating the information over the last few days.
Big thanks for sure to those that keep this place running. We nearly lost it, so glad we didn't. It's a great place to learn, help where we can and show off a little too.

Humbled to see one of mine in there too, thanks for that.

Here's to a great 2022.
Who would you like to thank or highlight? Feel free to post below

All the staff and admin past and present, without them, this place would a) not exist and b) be the place it is.

Unfortunately, my poor food sharing skills mean that the cherry Jaffa cakes are being enjoyed by the above named by proxy - perhaps since they're the cherry ones, I'll be forgiven!
My thanks to you all. The last two years (almost) of lockdowns and avoiding mixing with people as much as possible has been taxing - you've all helped keep my sanity.

Actually, sanity is pushing it a bit as I'm obviously not, but you know what I mean . . .

A big THANK YOU to all admin at TP
I was surprised/shocked to see one of my images in the Landscape section.
That was really encouraging!!
Hoping to spread my wings a bit further than my beloved East coast of Scotland this year so with a bit of luck I may have more images to share.
It would be equally nice to meet up with fellow members sometime in 2022 ;)

Thanks again
Mike (mstphoto)
Good selection of photos, and as Mike above said, from areas I never look at either. I appreciate the effort that went into making this selection. Contrary to what might be expected of me, it was the sport (as well as the creative) that impressed me most.

As a purely personal opinion, the people whose photos I most look forward to are PentaxPete and Fishyfish
Me too, TBH I feel very remiss for not including anything from F&C in the above but it was too hard to choose just a few. I'd add @Kevin Allan and @Andysnap to @FishyFish and @pentaxpete and I'd add you, @StephenM for your really helpful contributions and generosity. But then the list just grows and grows, so many kind, generous and helpful folk in F&C and of course right across the wider forums.
It would be equally nice to meet up with fellow members sometime in 2022
Be careful what you wish for :) I'd like a trip to your neck of the woods in 2022. There have been some good meet-ups organised on here in the past and hopefully we will get those going again. We did manage a filmies meet-up in Cheshire last year thanks to @dmb
I'd like to shout out to Nick, @GardenersHelper for his amazing macro images and the detailed explanation that goes
with his posts, how why what and where ..

Also to Paul @Paul Iddon for his dedication to macro not only for some excellent detailed and very very close up images,
but also for being out there at all times and in all weathers in the quest for said images.

Well done guys. (y)
Thank you for considering and choosing some of my photography - it's a great forum to be a part of, and everyone that contributes no matter how great or small, makes this a super community.

What a collection.
All inspire me to get out take more pics and just try and improve.
What a (pleasant) shock to see one of my photos in this thread. I can only assume it was chosen for its modest entertainment value! :)

My thanks to everyone who set the place up and has run/runs it like a well oiled machine, to all the helpful members who offer their advice so freely, and to all involved in the zine swaps. icon_cheers.gif
What a (pleasant) shock to see one of my photos in this thread. I can only assume it was chosen for its modest entertainment value! :)

My thanks to everyone who set the place up and has run/runs it like a well oiled machine, to all the helpful members who offer their advice so freely, and to all involved in the zine swaps. View attachment 339792
It's well deserved, there is far too little documentary on here and your persistence with sheep* and the Meanygates deserves to be recognised

*I could have worded that better :D
I must be slipping to have garnered so many likes, my normal instinct is to be contrarian

“Top” and “Best” lists of various kinds are often useful but sometimes thought provoking in what they leave out. So with that in mind I am nominating for “Best Thread” … the “ Dog Appreciation Thread, post your fave dog shots here...” because no dog has featured in the staff’s favourites, it’s between difficult and impossible to photograph your own dog and because it’s dogs innit? Many of these are members own dogs and many are late dogs.

Several have mentioned @Paul Iddon and I’ll add another mention firstly because he snaps stuff that most folk wouldn’t notice even if it was on their lettuce, secondly to encourage him to go out in the freezing midnight rain in search of further subjects and thirdly because it often seems inadequate to just add likes to his posts.

Lastly I would single out @Ed Sutton because his threads are always thought provoking.*

*Curiously, I was just penning this when @sirch ’s comment, above, popped up!
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Despite the limitations of 2021 there has been some great photography on the forum over the year and It seems timely to offer our thanks for your continuing support for Talk Photography, there is too much quality content for this to be a comprehensive review of the year but we thought we would highlight a few things that caught our eye over the last year. Thanks to everyone who has posted during the year and contributed to the great range of photography, activities, expert help and chatter that make this such a good place to hang out.

I've not really posted much on here lately. A lack of motivation, knee operation, work and just general life commitments, have all taken their toll.
I was pleasantly happy to see you'd picked one of my photos. I think this has given me a bit of a boost.
Thanks to all of the admin, old and new.
Also thanks to all the members who continue to give advice and encourage others.
Several have mentioned @Paul Iddon and I’ll add another mention firstly because he snaps stuff that most folk wouldn’t notice even if it was on their lettuce, secondly to encourage him to go out in the freezing midnight rain in search of further subjects and thirdly because it often seems inadequate to just add likes to his posts.


Haha, thanks you Richard, and as I read this I had just been out in the bloody rain again for another macro photo :ROFLMAO:


Haha, thanks you Richard, and as I read this I had just been out in the bloody rain again for another macro photo :ROFLMAO:

Just get back out there, it’s not midnight yet :LOL: .
I did mention most of this in the blog spot, but for those that missed it,
I'd personally like to thank Lindsay @lindsay and Chris @sirch, equal partners in the forum,
for their hard work, most of which is behind the scenes and generally goes unnoticed by many.
Thanks guys.

And of course thanks to the active site staff, for their continued support during the switch over,
and the day to day running of the forum.

In no particular order.
Mark @TheBigYin
Tori @Tori_T
Marc @Marc

And not forgetting the @Server Hamster, keep peddling girl, keep peddling
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… I forgot to add thanks to all past & present owners and staff for their outstanding work dedication which ensures the site mostly sails serenely on, I’m sure their little feet are paddling furiously behind the scenes some of the time.