2021, Review of the Year

I want to say thanks to everyone who puts in the effort to keep this place going. Callouts to @sirch , @lindsay & @Cobra , but also the mods for the hard work they put in.

There are many, many people who are extremely generous with their knowledge, time, and offers of help, so thank you to all of you for doing so. Also thanks to everyone, whoever you might be, who has posted a photograph that has inspired me. Seeing the great work made by others is probably the biggest driver to get me to pick up my own camera and get out there and try to make photos too..

A couple of additional callouts:

@sirch (again) for running FPotY and managing to come up with a convoluted scoring system that actually functions in such a way as to make it a genuinely close race for the top spot. I don't understand it, but it works! :)

@Harlequin565 for documenting his experiments with various film stocks, pushing and pulling etc. in an engaging and interesting manner. These are always interesting to read. Added bonus call out for the zine swaps too! :)
I'd like to shout out to Nick, @GardenersHelper for his amazing macro images and the detailed explanation that goes
with his posts, how why what and where ..

Also to Paul @Paul Iddon for his dedication to macro not only for some excellent detailed and very very close up images,
but also for being out there at all times and in all weathers in the quest for said images.

Well done guys. (y)
Thanks Chris. A lot of WOW factor in the images you guys have picked for this thread. Excellent.

Thanks too to Paul (@Paul Iddon) for his enthusiasm and dedication in keeping the macro forum ticking over nicely and being a constant encouragement for other people to join in.
WoW !! I got some FANS !! Thanks for 'The Plug' about me -- well I an still waiting for Cancelled CANCER Operation to go ahead in 2022 -- I felt well enough to do some Darkroom Printing yesterday and will continue today - getting rid of some 'Old Paper' I lace the Home-Made Print Dev with 'Benzotriazole' anti=fog !!
I was surprised to find two of my images on here so thanks very much.

Thanks to all who have kept the place going (y):beer:
Only just seen this, some fantastic photos highlighted in the thread. Delighted to see a couple of mine made the cut. Apologies for not noticing it sooner.
There’s some superb quality shown in these forums, and it’s quite often the case that a lot of photographers, who’s work I admire, often give a background in having spent time on these forums.