weekly 2021 TP52 - week 52 - SHOWCASE (sort of)

A great selection of images there. You really do put a lot of thought (and effort) into the 52. The van is excellent.. love the number plate too :D
Nice shot, and a great decision to convert to B&W, works really well here I think.

There are a good few B&W shots turning up on the 52…..
All on theme and interesting in their own way but the B+W van shot is certainly the stand out image.
The edit works well. Colour pop on the heart would work too. :D
Wonderful set of images there, the van in B&W is the correct choice especially when you mentioned the back in black album.
Week 47 - Culture

I had a trip to Iceland - the country not the supermarket - for a friend's 50th.

Had hoped to see some fermented shark somewhere and snap a pic of that as that certainly seems to be part of their culture. But it was not to be.

Took both the 5D3 and the newly acquired (SH) Canon G5 X. If I'm honest, until you start pixel peeping, you wouldn't really see the difference between the two. So that's a bonus. ALl the photos below are taken with the G5 X.

Anyway, they seem to be obsessed with trolls, so I took this, but the background annoyed me. THe model was about 7 foot tall, so I couldn't help but get the ceiling in, which ruined the illusion a bit....

IMG_0733 by Kell Lunam-Cowan, on Flickr

We also visited Hallgrímskirkja Cathedral in Reykjavic.

Hallgrímskirkja Cathedral, Reykjavic by Kell Lunam-Cowan, on Flickr

Hallgrímskirkja Cathedral by Kell Lunam-Cowan, on Flickr

I did also consider this as my choice - Harpa Concert Hall - the light is nice, but there are bits that annoy me. Unfortunately, everyone else was cold and getting p***ed off by this time so I couldn't stand there and retake loads...

IMG_0738 by Kell Lunam-Cowan, on Flickr

But I think preferred this one of the statue of Leif Eriksson - who was, allegedly, the first European to set foot in the Americas - half a millenia before Columbus.

Leif Eriksson by Kell Lunam-Cowan, on Flickr
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Lovely set of shots Kell - the G5 X certainly works well. Those trolls hands look a little too realistic for me! I love the cathedral shots.
All fit the bill for me.
really nice set of images but i think you definitely chose the right one for the theme. The atmospherics of it are wonderful and you've handled the light really well. Great job and my personal pick of the bunch for this week. (y)
Very nice set indeed.

really nice set of images but i think you definitely chose the right one for the theme. The atmospherics of it are wonderful and you've handled the light really well. Great job and my personal pick of the bunch for this week. (y)

Thank you both very much...
That’s cool (in more ways than one ).
The separate framing works nicely for this set of images.
Week 49 - Still Life

Not submitting to the main thread yet as I'm not totally happy with these.

As there's also the 50mm challenge going on this week, I thought I'd shoot with an old nifty.

My wife picked these up in Iceland when we were there.

I really thought the one with the lit up nose would work, but there was just too much contrast. Maybe it was just too dark where I was.

TP52: WK 49. Still Life by Kell Lunam-Cowan, on Flickr

So I sort of prefer the one with the nose off.

TP52: WK49 - Gonks/Trolls by Kell Lunam-Cowan, on Flickr

Also took this too, we saw lots of windows with these wreaths in when in Iceland, and managed to source something similar when we got back.

TP52: WK 49. Still Life by Kell Lunam-Cowan, on Flickr
Culture - that made me chuckle as it reminded me of when I told someone I really liked the cheese from Iceland, but forgot to mention the store, not the place :ROFLMAO:
All great pics, but I think the one you chose for the main thread is striking with the background, and looks to be an imposing sculpture.

Living - great triptych. Works well.

Still life - they don't look very crunchy to me ha ha! Good idea for the theme and it made me smile to think that you google the idea and come up with an idea using their rivals :)
Bowl of fruit is fabulous :D
Still life.. excellent idea - it put a smile on my face.
Bowl of Apples is a great take on theme Kell, love it.
Bowl of fruit is fabulous :D
That's a good sideways look at the theme!
Culture - that made me chuckle as it reminded me of when I told someone I really liked the cheese from Iceland, but forgot to mention the store, not the place :ROFLMAO:
All great pics, but I think the one you chose for the main thread is striking with the background, and looks to be an imposing sculpture.

Living - great triptych. Works well.

Still life - they don't look very crunchy to me ha ha! Good idea for the theme and it made me smile to think that you google the idea and come up with an idea using their rivals :)
Still Life - a bowl of Apples. Excellent :clap:
A nice modern take.....

Thanks all.

Just gutted my wife and daughter were out as I could have added a Macbook, two more phones, and two more watches to it.

Plus I also found an old Video iPod (doesn't work), an iPod Touch (smashed - it was my daughters), my old iPhone 6 and my old iPod Mini that I used to use when I used to go running.

It's amazing how much junk old tech you accumulate.

But I think it still holds up.
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Week 50 - Miniscule:

A small selection of drawing utensils.

As a shot, I prefer the propelling pencil - even though I didn't really light that properly so the ISO is very high at 5000 and it's noisy.

But I think I like the brush pen shot more for the theme as it's only when it's up close that you cvan see the miniscule spral that helps the brush keep its shape.

(Shot with a 40mm pancake lens on top of a stack of extension tubes.)

5D3_7700 by Kell Lunam-Cowan, on Flickr

5D3_7686 by Kell Lunam-Cowan, on Flickr

5D3_7696 by Kell Lunam-Cowan, on Flickr
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I like them all, but I think my favourite is the blue pencil - it really shows that this is a tool that needs manual intervention to be sharpened and then the use by the angles on the core.
All very good, the mechanical pencil fits the theme better, but I do love the blue pencil.

Another here for the blue pencil. Great detail, and I like the way it's echoed by the blue in the shadow.
I like them all, but I think my favourite is the blue pencil - it really shows that this is a tool that needs manual intervention to be sharpened and then the use by the angles on the core.
All very good, the mechanical pencil fits the theme better, but I do love the blue pencil.

Another here for the blue pencil. Great detail, and I like the way it's echoed by the blue in the shadow.

Thanks all.
Week 51 - Season(al)

Finally managed to get back home (Northumberland) to see my parents. It's been two years, because every time we thought about going, there was a lockdown, and when there wasn't a lockdown, we couldn't go.

Anyway, my Dad told me about a house around the corner from them that was lit up to the nines. I took a few shots (it's done for charity), but for some reason they're not as good as the one I took near me.

5D3_7758 by Kell Lunam-Cowan, on Flickr

5D3_7759-2 by Kell Lunam-Cowan, on Flickr

So I'm going to go with this one as think it's just a bit more fun:

IMG_0803 by Kell Lunam-Cowan, on Flickr
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Nice! I think they’re all good, but certainly like your chosen one. We have a postbox near us decorated similarly, but it’s looking a bit ragged now after all the recent rain!
Good choice. Very humorous, and in our postcode, we'd get more reliable mail if it was delivered by Santa. Maybe they should put him in charge...
The Knitting for me its a nice piece of work whoever did it.

Happy Christmas
I love those postbox decorations that just "appear". As you say, its more humorous and fun than the lights.
Seasonal ticks the post box for me :) I love these. We have one near us too, but having posted one at Easter, I couldn't use one a second time.

I love Northumberland.