weekly 52 for 2024 by Seaodyssey Wk36 Tools

Yep - that's Summery Pete :)
Very nice - something a bit funny with the processing though?

Agree on both counts...

Lovely looking and very familiar feeling image (in a good way), but it feels as if it's got a strange colour cast over it.
Thanks for your comments, Only applied a bit of haze reduction to show the clouds up a bit. It looks ok on my laptop which is not saying much.

Works well for summer, for me the processing makes it look like an old postcard picture apart from the newish vehicles and clothing
Clouds: The eye just keeps going and going into the clouds. Nice composition
Summer. Quintessentially summer indeed. Again, nice leading lines in the composition.
Week 30 Drink

Well the Mrs mangled her laptop screen, she is heavy handed and it was not worth trying to get it repaired, so she suggested that I get a new laptop and she would use my much more rugged but older laptop as long as it could be done quickly. We went off to currys to see what they had available at a reasonable price. I have ended up with an Asus Vivobook. An upgrade fron an Intel I5 4th Gen to I5 12th Gen and a HD Oled Screen. Set about saving my stuff to a USB HDD, while setting up Win11. Then saved her Stuff to the same HDD. Copied what I needed from the HDD to the new laptop. Set about setting up a new user on my old laptop for her use. Down loaded her stuff from the HDD and set about configuring firefox with her old profile. It is now all working and we are both happy, but it took some time getting it all right.

We went out on a coach daytrip to Southend on Thursday, took a bus to Lee on Sea and took this photo of "The Drink"

TP 52 Week 30 Drink by Peter Dyson, on Flickr

3 image panarama taken with my phone

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Also have upgraded my glasses to a new pair, I can see clearly now. Old ones where only just 3 years old and not that scratched.
Agree with your choice of the middle shot, even with the annoying sign. If you wanted to it should be quite easy to remove the sign with an edit
Snappers choice - those ferns are fantastic, they look alive like caterpillars and the contrast with the colour and texture of the bricks is great. As you can tell, I like it!
I've never managed to keep paintbrushes that clean! Your shot the with the plants is a great find as well.