5x4 astia

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Anyone know anywhere in the UK to get 5x4 astia?

i know i can order from B&H in the US, but if i can get it here it would be much easier :)
Fuji no longer import to the UK unfortunately.

I have a hunch they may even have halted production of astia in the larger formats :(
hmmmm it might be worth a wee email to them anyway and B&H still showing stocks, so it's worth a box or 2. Just wanting to sort some for the fashion module of my HND, want to shoot it on 5x4 astia :)
fyi i emailed fuji about it and got this reply -

Sadly, Astia 4x5" was discontinued about a year ago in the UK due to poor sales. It is now only available in the UK in 35mm and 120.

Our nearest alternative is Provia 4x5", which you can buy direct from our new film sales website, Fujilab: http://www.fujilab.co.uk/catalog/reversal-provia-100f-c-30_32_64.html

Otherwise, I would suggest that you try Japan Exposures - a Japan based photo distributor: http://www.japanexposures.com/shop/index.php?cPath=25&sort=2a&page=1

only issue i have is that the japanese website only does the Quick load stuff
try b and h in the states if you are happy to import!

Let me know if you are getting some, might be a good idea to do a group buy!
try b and h in the states if you are happy to import!

Let me know if you are getting some, might be a good idea to do a group buy!

yeah certainly might be a good idea to do it in one batch i might email fuji first asking if they wull supply lol
I will take some if we can do a group buy. If we did go for a group B&H order I reckon there's probably some other stuff that would be worthwhile ordering at the same time, like some 5x7 film (5x7 porta :D) and kodak stuff in the states is a lot cheaper, probably even with duty
Hmmmmm ill drop a wee email to B&H about the possibility of a group purchase and see if they'll throw a discount ;)
hahaha just got a message back from fuji, they can order from fuji japan but we'd need to order a min of 500 boxes of 10 sheets of 5x4 astia at £18 a box with a 4 month turnaround ... ouch