6x6 films

Kardo Ayoub
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Hi everyone,

I have just purchased my first TLR, a Yashica mat 124G from ebay and should recieve it in a few days.
I was wondering what films I should buy and where? I have heard a lot about Ilfords. I use it for B&W portraits so if you can recommentd some decent films and where to get them please that would be great.
Also What ASA do you guys use the most?

Many thanks,

Kodak Tri-X is my favourite one, as processing in Xtol developer takes only a very small amount of time even if pushed.

Ilford HP5+ is also a very nice material, requires bit longer processing times.

They're both 400ISO base, but you can either pull them to 200 or push them to ISO 1600 and above without much hassle.

I also got a same Yashica last week, just put a new light seals in and cleaned it, I love this small camera - it rocks! :)

Good luck :)

Ah, and for film nothing beats 7dayshop.com - it's a cheapest one I've found.
I like the Fuji films, Acros100 and Neopan400. Have you shot MF before and are you aware of how relatively shallow the DoF can be? Sometimes ISO100 films just aren't practical, I tend to use 400 for anything involving flash lighting especially outside of the studio.

Enjoy, I hope you've got deep pockets;)
I'm a fan of HP5+

Here's a shot on HP5+ using the Yashica-Mat 124G.

Most films are going to look great in it! I quite like Kodak Portra 160 NC for portraits. I haven't tried portraits on Fuji negative film yet though.

Fuji Provia is excellent for portraits, but ideally for studio use where you can control the lighting.

You can get away with ISO 400 film with relatively fine grain on medium format.
No worries dude, feel free to ask if you have anything else to ask about, I'll do my best to help. Good to see people migrating to film. :)

Thanks mate,
I gave my D300 away as a present a while ago, I wanted to go fullframe, but now I want to try something different for a while, I have always used 35mm and to be honest I like the quality of film much more than digital.

I like the Fuji films, Acros100 and Neopan400. Have you shot MF before and are you aware of how relatively shallow the DoF can be? Sometimes ISO100 films just aren't practical, I tend to use 400 for anything involving flash lighting especially outside of the studio.

Enjoy, I hope you've got deep pockets;)

I have never used any MF cameras before and this going to be my firsy but I'm aware of the Shallow DOF.
I dont have a flash for it yet so I will mainly be shooting in natural light.

I'm a fan of HP5+

Here's a shot on HP5+ using the Yashica-Mat 124G.
You can get away with ISO 400 film with relatively fine grain on medium format.

That's a very nice shot.
to be honest I like the grains on film, unlike digital noise, they give the image personality I think.