7 Day Shop Red / Orange / Yellow Filters?

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I am wanting to get a couple of screw in filters for film B&W landscapes. Red / Orange / Yellow to enhance skies.

Doing this on the cheap so was thinking getting 58mm plus 58->52mm stepping ring. This would cover most of my lenses.

The 7 day shop filters are £3.99 each at the moment :eek:

I guess the answer is - you get what you pay for.

Have other people used these filters? How are the results?

Thanks in advance

Mark F
I ordered an orange a while back as aprt of a bigger orde - no stock and no update since. thats what i hate about 7dayshop, anything they don't have seems to fall into a black hole and its not clear whether y order again or they will eventually catch up.
In my honest opinion you get what you pay for. If you want a good picture (besides your own photographic eye) you need a good film/sensor, good lens and good filter. The picture is only as good as the light that passes through a filter and lens. I've always been impressed with the higher end Hoya and B+W filters, go for the best you can afford.
In my honest opinion you get what you pay for. If you want a good picture (besides your own photographic eye) you need a good film/sensor, good lens and good filter. The picture is only as good as the light that passes through a filter and lens. I've always been impressed with the higher end Hoya and B+W filters, go for the best you can afford.

Would agree but if you are on a tight budget then these filters produce acceptable results...(y)
I've had filters from 7day, seem ok to me. However I go for the cokin P style ones (kood).

Might be worth looking into cokin P style if you are using a lot of filters
Cheers for the replys ladies and gents.

The glass is good. So maybe sticking a £3.99 7dayshop special in front isn't the best idea.

That said for £3.99 it's worth a try 'till I decide I want something better!
