A bee and a wasp up close

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A solitary bee from the garden i have occasionally seen individuals like this sunning themselves on our laurel hedge (maybe they visit the extra-floral nectaries too) but I do not know where they nest

1587905050688.gifSolitary bee by Alf Branch, on Flickr

Here is a shot of a wasp collecrting for nest building

Wasp making paper by Alf Branch, on Flickr
A couple of super photos Alf, I can see the post has been used quite a lot looking at the scrape lines down it. ;)
A couple of super photos Alf, I can see the post has been used quite a lot looking at the scrape lines down it. ;)

Its my insect hotel but a few in things near it have been stripped too I was photographing one again yesterday on this spot and tried a video but the video was not good. It has been used in previous years too.
Some lovely detail in these shots Alf.
Thanks Steve
The OLy 60mm f2.8 is sharp!
Yeah, it looks it. A good price too for such a well respected lens, I just don't think I do enough macro to warrant it.
Yeah, it looks it. A good price too for such a well respected lens, I just don't think I do enough macro to warrant it.

See the discussion over on the OMD equipment thread
The bee is superb love the angle you used to take it

Thanks Pete

A couple of beauties here Alf.
Yes, the Queen Wasps will start all over again now.

I have seen several of these at once on our gooseberry bush and all seemed to be wood wasps as far as I can tell and numerous visits to this part of the garden today