A couple more ara-arac- Spiders


In Memoriam. TPer Emeritus
The real Chris
Edit My Images
Unfortunately, they were not in the slightest cooperative regarding backgrounds.


Nice - the 2nd image has a pleasing BG Chris- have you thought about buying some coloured A4 papers - instant BG for insects

Les :)
Nice Chris - backgrounds can as we know make or break an image.

My spider yesterday was across a ginnel pathway and the flash gave a dull dreary horrid dark background:


So I cheated by picking a leaf from the nearby Ivy shrub and holding it behind the spider. Made a world of difference.

Nice - the 2nd image has a pleasing BG Chris
Cheers Les, its a brick wall

have you thought about buying some coloured A4 papers - instant BG for insects
I'm not quite sure how that would work, when its tight up against a brick wall.
Or indeed how I could hold a card behind it.
Nice Chris - backgrounds can as we know make or break an image.
Cheers Paul, the other issue I have is that for some reason the forum is has been, stretching my images ( by around 10-20% ) and making them softer,
I can't figure out why. But looking into it.
Have you or anyone noticed it happening?
From what I can see Chris, my images seem OK in my browsers. The only thing of late is the restriction of image size, which I'm sure it never used to cause upload issues (my goto size is 1800px) but not now, I have to stick to 1024px I think or the red crosses appear.

I have to stick to 1024px I think or the red crosses appear.
Its always been ( for many many years) 1024px on the longest side.
But was never enforced particularly.
The new platform regulates this as a "default"