A few flies some on fruit, some on meat

Great set Chris (y)

I've really struggled with macro, give me Puffin in flight any day :LOL:
They're fab Chris the detail in each is just amazing.
Flies are pretty grim insects, but make great subjects. Good photos dude.
Thanks Paul, and yes to both :D

Great set Chris (y)
I've really struggled with macro, give me Puffin in flight any day :LOL:

Cheers Phil, being locked out of zoo's for awhile I had to find something else to play with :D
BIF are my nemesis though :(

They're fab Chris the detail in each is just amazing.
Thanks Steve, I think I'm getting better at getting closer (y)
These are an excellent set. I particularly like the second one on very red meat. I hope you didn't waste the meat and ate it afterwards :D.
Nice work Chris first is my fave